How To Start A Blog(2024 Updated)


Editorial Staff

You are here because you want to learn how to start a blog or website this year 2024.

And it could be for any reason(s)

Be it passion for writing
Financial gain

Whatever it may be, you are surely at the right place because i, myself run this very blog which you are reading right now.

Hence, i will show you easy step-by-step ways to start a professional blog that meets your demands.

So, without time-waste,

Lets get started.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you don’t have much time to read, feel free to click on any of these category topics that interests you for quick access.

Steps On How To Start A Blog/Website

Choose A Category (Niche)

Your niche is the general category that all your contents will be based on.

It can be Education, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Sports, Internet, Technology, Careers etc.

It all depends on where your passion lies, your knowledge and most importantly, its monetary value too.

If you love to write about sports, particularly football and you have passion and full knowledge of it, you can start from there.

But as said above, if your passion niche financially capable enough?

That is most important, except you aren’t after the money side of blogging.

Just do some mental and physical research on niches that are of strong financial value and go with your choice.

For example, in my own case, i choose to settle for internet because of my passion for it (most important for me) and its strong monetary value.

Others may go for the passion side, some for the monetary side, some both

But whichever, it is up to you.

And your niche can influence your blog name you are going to choose which leads us to the next step;

Choose A Suitable Blog (Domain) Name

The name you choose may be in line with your niche.

Incorporating 1 or 2 words can clearly shows what your content is about does the magic e.g. if your passion is football, your domain name can be or whatever.

Or you can choose any random name like or or it can be your own name like etc.

The choice is yours.

That isn’t all yet

Aside choosing a name, another thing is knowing if it is available in the domain space.

Below is a web hosting site that will tell if your chosen name is available or not.

From the results above, you can see that the name “” is not available


Because i have taken it already.

It is the very domain name for this blog that you are reading right now.

But for other domains (com, dev, net, org etc), they are definitely available.


See another example below; the name “” isn’t available for .com but available for .dev, .ai. etc.

So from here, you can pick the domain name that suits you but even if you made a mistake or want to change the your blog name later in future, you can simply buy your new domain name to replace it by a process called “URL Redirecting”.

NOTE: You cannot use any spaces or punctuation other than dashes in a domain name.

Still on domain name, if your website will be about variety of different topics or still on a specific niche, you can choose your personal name or its variations or anything at all so far it makes sense.

It is NOT A MUST that you must choose a name that relates to your niche.

Example is a famous SEO blogger by the name “Neil Patel” who used his own full name “Neil Patel” as his blog name even though his site is about SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Finally, If you don’t have any names in mind and need domain name ideas, check out this post about the best blog name generators for some ideas.

It helps.

Get Your Blog Online (Web Hosting)

It is at this stage that you also set up your webhosting account and requires a lots of attention and seriousness to avoid mistakes.

To be able to comprehend this Step very well, we recommend you watch this video below to have a general overview of the bluehost account settings;

Once you are done with watching, lets proceed;….

Now you have gotten a name, next step is to get a web hosting provider to put your blog ONLINE.

A web hosting provider is one that stored your website on its servers and put it on the internet for anyone to have access to it.

In other words, it is about selecting a web hosting plan that suits you entirely in terms of budget, reliability, 24/7 customer support and speed.

There are several hosting providers out there e.g. Bluehost, Hostgator, Namecheap, Immotion etc

And based on my experience, i highly recommend BlueHost.

I deal with them personally for the following reasons;

1. They offer 24/7 customer support, even at midnight, they respond instantly.
2. They offer FREE Domain of your choice FREE-OF-CHARGE.
3. You get SSL Certificate FREE-OF-CHARGE unlike other hosting sites that charges you at a cost. Very Sweet!
4. They offer 30-day Money-Back guarantee meaning you get your money back(No question asked) if you are unsatisfied with their service.
5. You get additional addons such as marketing tools, data backups, web analytics, security etc.

I haven’t had any issues with them since i began hosting.

So why not give them a try today by clicking here: Bluehost Signup or click the button Link as shown below;

The following images below describes steps to follow to register on bluehost site.

Steps to registering on BlueHost

  • First, Visit BlueHost and click the “Get Started” button as shown below.

  • Secondly, you select any hosting plan of your choice but i will suggest you go for the recommended one (choice plus). it has more much advantages.

You can go for the PRO plan if your site is for business.

  • Thirdly, Put in your domain name if you don’t have any. But if you had one already, put it in the 2nd box.

Please choose the one that is right for you.

Then choose your domain extension e.g. com, org, net, co, uk, us, edu, info etc.

If you want to run a personal blog, you can choose “.com” or if it is an organization, use .org or if its a school, use .edu etc though not compulsory.

But if you wish to create a domain later, click “i will create my domain later” button below the 2 boxes

  • Fourth, after completing the 3rd step, you will be taken to bluehost registration page where you will input your personal info and other details;

  • Fifth, you choose your plan (if it is not there already), then check or uncheck the appropriate ones that suits or doesn’t suit you.
    You can still register the unchecked ones later at your convenient time.
    Input your credit card details and check the terms of conditions and privacy policy agreement.
  • Finally, click “Submit

Once you have clicked “submit“, you will see this message below;

Once your payment is successful, your domain name is now ONLINE.

What is needed now is to install WordPress.

How to install WordPress

How do you do that?

Let me walk you through!

There is what we call cpanel.

Your cpanel can be assessed through this link; Your bluehost cpanel

Your cpanel username and password will have been emailed to you or you can register for them.

Once you are logged in, Visit the “Marketplace” to install WordPress to the root of your site or to a sub-directory.

Here are the steps to get it done;

You can follow these 2 links from bluehost to guide you very well; Bluehost Install help1 and Bluehost install help2 Credit to bluehost for the links.

Steps To Follow below;

1. Login to your bluehost cpanel account. Find the “website” section and select “Install WordPress”.
2. Click the “Install” Button

3. Choose the domain name to install it to. In the field next to the domain, you can enter a subfolder such as ‘blog’ or leave it blank if you want the site’s main page to be the blog.

4. If necessary, you can edit the email address, username and password for the new WordPress installation. Click “advanced options” and you can change those settings.

5. Read through the license and service agreements and check the boxes.

6. Select the Install Now button

Once the installation is complete, you will be taken to your website administrative dashboard as similarly shown below;

Once you are in this dashboard, BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU

Your website/blog is ABSOLUTELY READY 100%.

What you need is to customize your site or change your theme completely to another if you don’t like the current default theme.

Customizing your site requires that you input your names to identify your site. Names such as your website title and its tagline.

Images below shows how it is being done.

First, click on “site identity” as shown below

Secondly, put in your site title and Tagline in the spaces as shown below too.

Then you click “Publish” at the top

So, if you are interested in starting a blog or website using BlueHost, feel free to click below;

Select The Right WordPress Theme (Blog Design)

It is at this stage that determines how you influence your traffic visitors with colors, posts arrangements, headline designs, writing styles etc.

Your online visitors will first see how the theme design is, so you need to choose one that is attractive and eye-catching.

Good design builds Trust.

Below steps is how to choose a theme for your blog;

1. Search for “Appearance” on (Right-Hand-Side) RHS of your admin dashboard and click on it.
2. A dropdown menu appears. click on “Themes”

3. When you click on “Themes” the 2nd image above appears.
From here, you can go through all the themes carefully by previewing them and select the one that suits you according to your niche, compatibility and taste.

4. Once you have picked the one you like, hover your mouse pointer on it to preview it and Activate it.

NOTE: the themes are FREE themes as you install them at no cost. As time goes on, you can upgrade to its PRO version with more features and functionalities at a cost.

You can even buy themes and upload and install them unto your website too. Such themes comes in form of Plugins which you upload and install as shown below.

Images below shows how you can upload and install premium themes.

A lot of choice marketplaces exist where you can purchase premium themes which has lots of advantages to free themes and they include themeforest, elegantthemes, mythemeshop, plugintheme, themify, premiumwp, profitbuilder, woothemes, studiopress and many more but the 2 good ones are themeforest and pluginthemes.

5. Now back to our steps, once you have activated it, the theme will show on your website frontpage.

A typical example is as shown below;

You know what this means?

It only says one thing!

Your Blog Is 100% Ready For Launch.

Your website true beauty begins to come out once you start adding contents: Articles, videos, images, graphics etc.

To summarize all we have read above, this video below will help you with it. you can choose to watch or skip.

Let us start with adding content, like say to create a post.

Here is how we go about it?

But before that, we may need to create a webpage first of which you will create a post in it.

This video below explains how to create a webpage: Please Watch.

Once you are done with the video, you can now create a post in the WordPress webpage

Follow these steps outlined below:

1. Locate “Posts” in the LHS corner of your admin dashboard and click on it

2. Click ”Add New”. it will take you to writeup area where you can start writing your post.

3. As you write, to add more paragraphs and other options (e.g. image, lists, videos, documents etc), click on the plus-circle signal at the top left corner of your writeup area.

The images below describes the steps better for easy understanding.

As you begin writing your article, it will be like this form as shown below;

4. After you are done writing, click “Publish” to bring your article LIVE. The “Preview” button is to see how your article layout will be before finally publishing it out.
The “save draft” button is to save your writeup continuously as you are typing so it doesn’t get lost due to sudden computer shutdown, internet loss or whatever.

You can now begin to develop your blog gradually by adding more useful contents and graphics to it.

For more info about writing your writing and publishing your first post, watch this Bluehost video below;

………That Is All About Blogging for now………….

Additional Tips You Must Know

Content Writing

In blogging, there are 2 types of Content.

1. Static Content
2. Dynamic content

While visiting some websites on your phone or computer, you might have seen stuffs like About Us, Contact us, Privacy policy, cookies policy, Terms of use/conditions etc

I am sure you must have.

These stuffs are referred to as Legal Pages and are mostly at the bottom of a website homepage as shown below;

They are Static Contents because once they are written, they cannot be altered easily except for special cases. They remain as they are for a very long time.

Infact, these pages should be on your site first before you launch it.

But we will briefly go through each of them below for easy comprehension.

About Us Page: This page describes who the website owner is and what the blog is all about. It contains a biographical summary of the author(s), stating the goals and objectives of its blog.

Contact Us Page: This is where you input your personal info as contact details like email, physical address, phone number. This gives confidence and assurance to your online visitors that you are real and reachable.
You must also include your social media accounts e.g. Facebook, twitter, Instagram, pinterest, LinkedIn etc.
Aside these contact details, you can also set up a contact form to keep your personal info private.

Privacy Policy Page: If you collect data from your visitors in any way, you must create this page to inform them how it is being processed i.e. what data are you collecting, how you intend to use them for, where they are stored etc.

Terms and Conditions/use/service page: Though every blog can have this but it is a MUST for sites selling goods and services. It spells out guidelines, rules, disclaimers, conditions on how the website runs to ensure maximum protection and lessen liability.

You can research and include others but these are the very important ones for now that every website must have. it is for your own good.

And they are usually located at the footer (bottom) of a website homepage and must be easily visible and accessible to all.

Lets move to the 2nd type of content which is………Dynamic content………….


This kind of contents are the common ones that you write to interact with your visitors in form of articles, images, tutorials, videos, tips, lists, infographics etc.

They are Dynamic because they can be altered(changed) regularly to keep them fresh and updated.

To build visitors audience, you must post fresh new dynamic contents regularly, say once or twice every 1 or 2 week to engage your visitors all time.

At this juncture, we are done with content types.


The MOST IMPORTANT of them all is ………

Before i let it out,

let us paint a little scenario.

Lets imagine a trader rents a shop, buy goods for sale and hid them inside his shop.

Can such trader make any sales?

The answer is NO.


Because his potential buyers cannot see his goods.

Same goes for blogs too.

Once you have launched your site, you must employ different promotional methods to make your blog more visible and drive traffic visitors to it.

This is entirely another big topic on its own,

But I Will Briefly Outline The Methods You Can Use To Boost Your Blog Visibility;

Ways to promoting your blog contents

1. Create social media accounts and input your blog links in your user profiles. Then you can do social adverts to generate traffic like Facebook advertising.

A typical example is that from famous SEO expert brain dean, founder of backlinko as shown below;

2. Submit your site to search engines: sign up a google webmaster account and go to “submit URL” section in webmaster tool and submit your blog link. you can submit to Bing too.
3. Implement SEO Optimization: Meta tags, keywords, headers, permalinks etc are to be optimized when creating content so it can be SEO friendly.
4. Be ACTIVE in your contents’ comments section:
Make sure you respond to every comments your reader made on your articles even if it is to say “thanks”. Please do.
5. Do paid advertising:
Locate other high-traffic sites in your niche, search for advert spaces and place your advert in them. such adverts can be banners, paid posts, signatures etc. A good marketplace to locate such sites is buysell Ads.
6. Comment on other blogs in your niche:
make useful contribution in other blogs to build strong relationships with the public. if they see your useful posts, they will be tempted to visit your blog.
7. Build your Email List:
When you post useful content on weekly basis, you create a strong bond with your readers and through that, you can set up an email platform to collect email addresses of your readers to notify them of any new articles and promotional offers.
8. Guest postings: Search out for high-traffic sites accepting guest posts. Apply and post useful contents with links back to your blog. Make sure you read the guidelines to avoid disapproval.

There are more ways to this list but it is entirely another big topic on its own.

For more better understanding and knowledge, this video below can do justice to it;

For a full comprehensive actionable tips on how to promote your blog to drive in lots of traffic visitors,
visit our Link HERE: 30 Ways To Get Traffic Visitors To Your Blog

Why Do Bloggers Fail?

1. Giving Up Too Fast: Blogging consumes lot of time and energy. Only those with strong heart make it at the end.
2. Low Quality Content: Some bloggers think they can make it by spinning duplicate or auto-generated content. Trust me! Readers know when your content is a flop and they leave never to return again.
3. Too Many Ads: When you are adding ads, please dont overdo it. Visitors come to your blog to read useful content not to get blurred with blinking, eye-piercing advertisements.


What makes a SUCCESSFUL blog?



I mean You.

First, It depends on the amount of time, hardwork, dedication and commitment that you put into your blog.

Second, it depends on how you interact with your readers via your content.

Is your content informative, attractive and engaging?

If yes, then you are heading towards goldmine – SUCCESS.

Just keep up the passion!

Keep writing useful content. Make it at-least once a week.

And before you know it, boom!

You will begin dining with the kings of blogging.

CONCLUSION: How To Start A Blog

……Now it is your turn……….

What do you think about this tutorial?

Are you creating your own blog Now or later?
Do you have any questions about anything at all?

Feel free to drop your comments, questions, suggestions, criticisms, analysis and advice

I am 100% available to respond to all your comments anytime, any day.

Thanks for your time, patience, endurance and attention.

Till i see you again in my next post, i remain your friendly neighborhood spiderman



Your friendly neighborhood Internet tutor


Bye for now!

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