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The brand of every business is what defines and makes it stand out from its competitors in terms of reputation, awareness, satisfaction etc.

And creating awareness of it is very necessary to boost visibility, sales and patronage, hence the need to implement best strategies to boost such brand which is simply called ONLINE BRANDING.

But boosting a brand online is NO easy task, hence the essence of this guide which is to show your the best strategies to boost your personal brand online.

But you may ask, what truly is online branding?

SPECIAL NOTICE: If you don’t have much time to read, feel free to click on any of these category of subtopics that interests you for quick access for it will take you straight to it.


Online Branding is the process of exposing your brand on the internet using various promotional methods and on all levels of internet marketing be it through social or search engines.

A brand can be anything: be it name, logo, tone, sound, emotion, reputation, personal trait etc.

For example, in the food industry, coca-cola is a big brand that has established a very strong reputation over the years making it widely acceptable by almost all countries of the world.

Another example is Richard Branson, a British billionaire businessman, is a big brand in the entrepreneurship industry who has set up multiple businesses(Virgin group of companies).

I hope you understand my point?

Lets continue.

There is a saying that goes thus below:

“Your brand is how people perceive you wherever they interact with your business — both the impressions you can control and the ones you can’t”

To get a personal opinion of what online branding is all about and how to build it up, we will take the opinion of Dan Lok, an Asian Business Guru as he says in his YouTube video below:

Lets watch together

What little did you gain from his video?


You can watch it again to get a good grab of majority of what he has said so far.

Now, as for me, i love that part where he said this: “I earned one fan, one at a time”. You can’t build a personal brand overnight- it takes time, effort, and strategy to build a successful personal brand”.

Surely, it is not going to be easy building up a very strong brand that commands a very strong audience fans. It takes lots of sacrifice and consistency to build one.

Another aspect that i love is when he said this: In order to build a sustainable personal brand, you need to build on something that has substance.

I love that word “Substance” that he mentioned.

According to him, substance means you are building on something that is sustainable and can stand the test of time.

This is why the likes of Nike, Micheal Jordan, Coca cola, Lionel Messi etc are very popular because they are know for performance, skill and excellence.

For example, in the world of football, Lionel Messi is a big brand known for this skills and excellence on the field of play which has earned him upto 6 FIFA best-player awards.

That is a brand.

And lastly, another area he talked about is Fame and Fortune.

According to him, such brand must be something that can sustain a living for you, not just been popular and cannot pay house rent.

Don’t get me wrong here.

I am not saying you have to be a stupendously rich and financially strong like Christiano Ronaldo or Nike but atleast being very comfortable having 3-square meals a day.

I hope you understand what i am talking about?

Do you?


Lets proceed further with the topic

In order not to waste time, let us check out the various ways you can build your brand online to the highest levels.

Without wasting time,

Let roll.

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One great place that comes with lots of traffic visitors is search engines and the easy way to reach out to them is by setting up a blog.

Setting up a blog is easy but quite technical to do but with the right knowledge, you can design a great one for yourself or have others do it for you.

An easy way to get started is by registering on a web-hosting site, choosing a domain, buying a hosting plan and selecting a platform (preferably WordPress) to bring your site LIVE.

If you wish to do it yourself, here is an amazing tutorial to help yourself out here: HOW TO START A BLOG SUCCESSFULLY.

If interested in implementing this strategy of starting off a blog, I personally make use of this web-hosting company called “BlueHost Web-Hosting”.

They offer discount prices on their hosting plan packages with excellent customer care support.

I haven’t had any issues with them since i begin using them.

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Interested in using Bluehost services, click on this button link as shown below to get access;


After you have registered and purchased a domain name and hosting plan, the main part which is building the website is another thing entirely on it own.

But to conquer this aspect, your website design MUST be very attractive and eye-catching.

Aside that, there exist 3 factors that helps promote your blog to higher google rankings to get lots of traffic visitors and they include the following below

Great content

This is about writing unique content about your brand. it has to be in copywriting form in a way to attract, engage and turn potential customers into sales.

Such content can be in form of products reviews, sales page, landing pages, visuals(images, infographics), info content etc.

It all depends on the type of brand you want to promote online. You can write such articles yourself or hire a professional writer to do it for you.

There are professional article writers and web designers that you can hire on fiverr to help you do all the whole work while you relax here: Fiverr Freelancing Writing

You register and create an account to get started.

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To achieve the most of this, it must involve creating high quality backlinks from high domain authority websites. More emphasis on the “high domain authority websites”.

Creating such type of backlinks can be very time-consuming and tedious if you want to do it yourself.

But you can have others do it for you at very cheap, affordable costs here: Seoestore SEO Panel

They offer backlinks and SEO campaigns for as low as $0.25 per unit backlink.

Very cheap?

Cheap indeed!

Social media

Sharing your content on social media, building nofollow backlinks and social exposure.

This was exactly how top bloggers like brain dean, neil patel etc build their brands online.

You can actually check here: How To Build Backlinks And Social Exposure to have a slight knowledge on how you can achieve such feat for your website too.


YouTube is the 2nd biggest website with over 2 billion users worldwide with over 30 million traffic visitors trooping in on a daily basis.

So wont it be wise to invest on YouTube and get a chunk bit of those traffic to know about your brand?

The only challenge here is to “CREATE SUCH VIDEOS”.

There are several video-creation tools you can use but i personally recommend using this tool here called DOODLEMAKER TOOL which i use personally too.

you know why?

it is because it comes exclusively with its own voice-over technology, meaning that you dont need to purchase voice-overs separately.

To grab a full review of what doodlemaker is and how it runs, this article offers you such opportunity here: Doodlemaker: Full Review Tutorial

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If you do not like “animation or cartoon” type of video, there are other good alternatives which allows you to create videos using real images, text and voice narrative.

They are but not limited to the following; Canva, Clipchamp, WaveVideo, Invideo, Kapwing etc.

The good ones which i highly recommend(which i personally use to create my promotional videos) are Canva and Invideo

With over 5000+ ready-made templates in various niches and categories, it is the easiest, fastest way to create high-quality videos that are professional and publish-ready.

Creating LIVE Video: But, if you want to create a LIVE streaming video with you showing yourself in it, OBS Studio software is the best bet for you.

All you need do is to visit their website here: OBS Project, master how to use it, download and install the OBS software into your computer.

Open it and start recording.

But all in all as regards these video creation software, it is yours to choose.


This is all about designing and printing out flyers, posters and business cards containing info about you and your business profile.

And the most important of them all is DISTRIBUTION to every persons within your neighborhood, church, office, outsiders, parties etc.

Even aside that you can even upload to image-sharing sites like slideshare, Instagram etc.

The ONLY CHALLENGE here is DESIGNING one for yourself and an attractive, eye-catching one for the matter.

But if you do not have any graphic skills, you do not need to worry about this because there are several freelance platforms where you can hire one to design for you and one great place is Fiverr Freelancing Site.

If you are new to fiverr or what to know more about it and even how to make money from it, this article does serious justice on it here: EVERYTHING ABOUT FIVERR HERE

Below are images of fiverr graphic sellers you can contact.

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Top social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, pinterest, Instagram, Reddit etc and these sites deals with lots of traffic visitors regularly.

So to utilize this advantage, all you need do is to create social pages and groups, write a review contents about your brand and post them there.

You can even join any of them that relates to your brand niche and advertise your brand there too.

Aside all these, you can create awesome content about your brand and have it shared on social media by your traffic visitors.

See an example below:

copywriting article on backlinko site was shared over 14,000+ times as you can see below:

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Though this huge shares can only be achieved if you have a huge number of traffic visitors to your content everyday, you can still get your brand shared across social media platform.

Even if you have little or no traffic using this social media management tool here: LINKCOLLIDER TOOL.

You register an account, choose a plan and post your brand link or content for social media promotion

It will help to a great extent. You can read more about linkcollider and everything about it to have a foremost knowledge ahead.


Search out across various platforms on the internet and look for mentors who have gone far in achieving huge success in their various brands and make them your mentor.

Such mentor MUST be very knowledgeable, well-experienced and fully-grounded in his field so you can reach out to him for guidelines, clues, instructions and promotional methods on how to achieve success in branding online.

For example, in the world of digital marketing and blogging, you can adopt an influential personality like Neil Patel.

Neil Patel owner of neilpatel and quicksprout, is a internet marketer and blogger who is highly knowledgeable with years of experience in Search engine optimization(SEO), digital marketing and blogging.

He will be a perfect candidate for anyone looking for mentorship in his fields that he covers.


Not only asking them but doing all you can to get positive reviews, thumbs up and positive feedback responses messages about your brand products and services.

You can even offer bonuses, extra free services, discounts, commission, special offers and most important of all, good quality product/service.

If you keep your customers 100% satisfied, you will get lots of reviews.

For example, see reviews from customers on amazon site below;

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See yourself as a potential buyer.

Put yourself in a situation where you are viewing a printer on its description page on amazon.

Scrolling down, you check the customers reviews and see something similar as shown above;

What comes to your mind?

What will be your general perception about the printer?

Would you be even more willing to purchase the printer?

Of course, you will.

The next step you will most likely take is hitting the “Buy Now” button to purchase the printer.

And not only that,

After testing the printer for some time, it happens to be run smoothly and faultlessly with no technical or mechanical issues, giving a 5-star positive review will your next option.

So, if you are able to record these reviews for your brands online, surely it will spread every good positivism about your brand across the internet and draw in more potential traffic to your brand.

And the last but not the least is………………………………


You can advertise your brand on Facebook or twitter to boost social exposure using paypal or your credit card.

This method is very effective in that you can make specifications in terms of age, location, race etc.

Not only that, You can use google PPC adwords to put your brand on google first page without doing any search engine optimization(SEO). For example, check out this brand “Bluehost”.

The bluehost company is ranking on top on 1st page of google for its brand keyword. That “Ad” sign you see tells it is a google adword PPC advertising as you can see below:

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As on social media, Facebook and twitter are the most prominent social sites that you can advertise your brand in a customized manner.

When i mean “Customized”, i mean that you can target specific location, age range, type of promotion etc.

For example, to advertise on facebook, you first create a facebook page for your brand and click “Promote” as shown below:

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After which you can choose to do any of the following as shown below;

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If you choose “Get more website visitors”, you will be taken to something like this below and as you can see, you can customize your advert settings in terms of location, number of persons to reach out to, age-bracket etc.

When you are done, you click “Promote”

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That will be all on how to build your brand online but as time goes on, we will keep updating these steps with more.

Now, to grab an enhanced understanding of all these strategies in visual form, this video put up on YouTube by marketing 360 does justice to it as shown below

He talks on 6 steps for building a brand online or offline.

Feel free to watch below

CONCLUSION: How To Boost Your Personal Brand Online

Finally finally, we are done with the topic: how to boost your personal brand online,

I hope these few strategies, if well implemented, will do justice in boosting online presence of your brand.

If you have any questions on anything about online branding, feel free to comment below.

Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

I am 100% available to reply to your comments one-by-one.

Thanks for your time, patience, endurance, attention.

Till I see you again in my next post, I remain your friendly neighbourhood spiderman.

Oppp! Sorry.

Your friendly neighbourhood SEO tutor.


Bye for now.

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