61 Free BEST SEO Tools: The Complete List (2024)


Editorial Staff

Who says you must have a budget to run optimization on your website?

With these very best of our free SEO tools, you can achieve your aim of getting traffic visitors and higher Google rankings. for your website.

So, without wasting time, I present you a complete list of over 50 best free SEO tools that you can utilize to gain an added advantage of obtaining higher Google rankings over your competitors.

Lets roll.

Before we check out the free best SEO tools, we have broken them down into the following categories.

Lets get started

Link Building

Check My Link

The Check My Links Tool is an extension tool developed by Google Chrome for use by webmasters, web designers and link builders primarily.

When it comes to creating backlinks through Broken link building, this tool is the best pet for it.

Here is how it works;

You visit the webpage link on a google chrome browser and click on “Available on chrome” at the LHS of the webpage to install it as shown below;

After installation, you will see an image like this as shown below

After that, you are good to go.

Now, with such tool, you can scan any website for broken links.

Once you found some, you report to the owner and present him a replacement links as substitute.

A typical example below shows the tool in action.

As you can see below,

A scan of a website shows that it has one invalid link which equals to a broken Link.

Domain Hunter Plus

Domain Hunter Plus is similar to Check My Links.

The added advantage of this tool is that in addition to fishing out broken links, it also scans for available domain names.

Here is how it works;

Once its icon is clicked, It scans webpage for dead(broken) links and its corresponding domain names.

if anyone is found, it informs the domain registrar if such domains are available for use.

If so, it leads you to its registration page where you can register the domain for use.

LinkMiner By Magools

This tool comes in 2 types;

1. LinkMiner By Magools
2. LinkMiner By Google Chrome

The linkminer tool by magools is a paid tool.

This linkminer tool by magools searches for competitors’ backlinks thus providing backlinks metrics such as citation flow, trust flow, anchor texts, referring domains and many others.

See images below of how it looks like and in operation.

On the other side, the LinkMiner tool is a google chrome extension tool which is free.

One unique feature about this type of tool is that it pulls out metrics from webpages.

Metrics that are similar to that of mangools as stated above.


As quoted on its webpage, disavow.it helps you to quickly compile/clean a Disavow file, ready to upload to Google Search Console and determines which URLs need to be devowed or not.

Backlinks By Neil Patel

Famous SEO expert, Neil Patel introduce this free tool for use.

The backlinks tool scrutinizes webpages and provides info such as no of backlinks, domain authority, referring domains, its IPs etc.

You can even see anchor texts and check out for dofollow and no-follow backlinks too.

Bulk Metric Checker

The bulk metric checker does a massive checking of Domain Authority and Page Authority of a list of webpages or URLs.

You can check as much as up to 50 URLs

For more information on additional link building tools, This video by Julian Goldie below does justice to it.

Please watch below!

Keyword Analysis

Dan Zambonini Tool

There is a smart way of looking for new keywords through a process called permutation.

And the Dan Zambonini tool is capable of doing that.

All you do is to include a group of words together and click on “Generate Permutations” as shown in the image below:

Answer The Public

AnswerThePublic tool fishes out a list of questions that your target audience asks in google in line with your keywords you input into the tool.

It is a combination of Google Autosuggest and Question Scraper.

Google Keyword Planner

|Google keyword planner gives you keyword data such as level of competition, monthly search estimates, page bid (high and low range), related keywords etc.

It is a tool that gives raw data straight from its original source.

Check out the results from the keyword “backlinks”


Keyworddit tool deals with Reddit.

Its function is that it searches through subreddit to extract keywords from that subreddit.

This guides the user to get keywords with commands high volume traffic (lots of comments)

Exploding Topics

As the name sounds, this tool looks out for topics and keywords that are gradually exploding daily by being more and more competitive.

It offers you a first-hand opportunity to grab these terms (topics & keywords) fast enough.

That is the power of exploding topics tool

Wordstream’s Keyword Tools

If you need to get keyword suggestions based on your main keyword, particular location (state or country) and category (e.g. health, arts & entertainment, beauty & fitness etc), then wordstream keyword tool is the key.

Though the tool was specifically made for Google adwords, you can use them for SEO campaigns.


This is one powerful tool developed by SEO guru, Neil Patel.

This ubersuggest tool offers you better keyword ideas from your competitors’ domains so you can beat them at thier own game in terms of rankings and traffic.

This tool also shows you statistics of your competitor’s seo keywords in terms of estimated visits, location(country), volume and position.

It is a MUST-HAVE tool to use at your disposal

Honestly, this is one great tool you must know as it comes with lots of multiple functionality such as keyword research, traffic analysis, website SEO monitoring etc.

This Youtube video below by Neil Patel himself explains it all.


With this keywordln tool, you can generate hundreds of new keywords from a combination of seed keywords.

After which, you can insert these new keywords to see which ones is more competitive.

Seed Keywords

How does this seed keywords tool work?

It enables you create a scenario where you get to see suggested keywords from people simply by asking of anything from them.

For example, you can put up a question, ask your contacts to suggest keywords they will use to savage (solve) the situation.

Finally, you can export the results keywords in a CSV file.

SeoBook’s Free SEO Tools

As you can see below, the seobook has a number of free seo tools such as keyword density analyzer, keyword suggestion tool, keyword list generator etc.

An example of one of such tools is the keyword suggestion tool which generates data such as suggested bid, monthly search volume etc.


As you can see below, this Soovle tool is a special tool that generates keyword suggestions from different major sources such as Google, Wikipedia, Amazon, Yahoo, YouTube etc.

An example shows the soolve tool in action using the keyword “backlinks” as you can see below


This tool is an extension tool used in browsers such as Firefox and Google Chrome.

It shows you keyword metrics such as cost per click, monthly search volume and competition data of keywords on multiple sites.

How do i start using Keyword Everywhere?

a. First, you need to install the Chrome extension or Firefox add-on
b. Once installed, sign up for an API key and set it up.


With the help of faqfox tool, you can scrape out keyword questions that people ask from specific websites e.g. Reddit.

Through that, you get an idea of the kind of keywords to use in targeting your audience during SEO campaign.

Such tool can be accessed here: https://www.webfx.com/seo-tools/faqfox/

Google Location Changer

By default, when doing keyword research on Google, it shows you keywords that are prominent in your area of location e.g. New york.

But if you want to search out keywords that are relevant in other areas, that is where Google Location Changer comes into play.

As you can see in the image below, you can change to any location and country.


This is one special tool that comes with lots of SEO features you can utilize to outrank your competitors and stay top. It is similar to SEMRush.

It allows for a deep keyword research of your competitors thus uncovering thier high ranking keywords at your own advantage.

All you do is to visit this link: https://www.ispionage.com/ and input your competitor URL and click “START SPYING”.


This Jaaxy tool operation is very simple.

You input a main keyword and it reels out lots of similar keywords (closely related to your main keyword) alongside its metrics such as average monthly searches, traffic, seo scores, keyword index etc.

Take a look at an example of a keyword “seo tools” for better understanding

Keyword Eye

It performs similar action as jaaxy tool.

When used to query a main keyword, the keyword eye tool generates lots of related keywords as words block as shown below;

And the related keywords are color coded based on Adwords competition

The more the main keywords you input, the bigger the words block of related keywords.

Keyword Revealer

Keyword Revealer is a special tool that outlines its resultant keyword ideas in a tree-like form as shown below.

And a new set of keywords appears when you click on a “branch” of the keyword tree.

Cognitiveseo keyword Tool

This cognitive keyword tool by cognitive gives you us a huge list of similar non-contextual keywords that relates to your main keyword.

Such keywords are also known as LSI (latent semantic indexing) keywords too which are used to make content understandable by Google.

For information on more keyword research tools, Check out this video by Ahrefs below as they do justice to it.

Please watch below!

Content Optimization

The Hreflang Tags Generator Tool

As the name sounds, this tool generates tags for different languages and country versions of your webpages in a very easy and convenient way.

For more information about this tool, visit their website here: https://www.aleydasolis.com/english/international-seo-tools/hreflang-tags-generator/

The Title Capitalization Tool

This Title capitalization tool guides you in choosing words in your title that needs capitalization and makes your content tidy and more readable.

This, in a little way, helps boosts your SERP rankings.

Give it a try by visiting their link here: https://capitalizemytitle.com/


This free tool scans your website for issues such as broken links, missing image alternate text, missing tags, meta descriptions etc.

Once these issues are discovered, you can go fix them to boost your chances of higher google rankings.
The SEOptimer tool is a MUST USE for on-page SEO.

Generally, it analyzes webpages and give a report back in terms of SEO, usability, performance, security etc.

Quicksprout Website Analyzer

This is yet another tool from the stables of SEO expert, Neil Patel.

The function of this tool is to analyze your website and provides actionable reports about SEO visibility, loading speed, social shares etc.

These reports can be downloaded for proper documentation.

Here is their official website: https//:www.quicksprout.com


The Lipperhey tool is very good for On-page SEO.

it scans your website for technical SEO issues and analyses your content for SEO optimization, popularity etc and scores your contents based on these factors

A good example is an analysis done on backlinko website owned by brain dean, an SEO guru.

His website contents scores a mark of 74%.


Plugin SEO

This tool checks webpages for issues on SEO and fix them out.

Through this, it will help boost your website search engine rankings and generate more traffic visitors.

All you need do is to visit the website here https://www.pluginuseful.com/products/plug-in-seo and click “install” to get started.

Yoast SEO

You can get started by downloading and installing it as a plugin.

Yoast SEO is one of the most sought-after and popular plugins used by lots of website owners because of its effective On-page SEO configuration techniques.

Yoast SEO offers the following;

a. Suggesting the most suitable meta tags and descriptions
b. Optimizing your webpage titles to make it SEO friendly.
c. gives you full control over your site breadcrumbs
d. Automatically set canonical URLs to avoid duplicate content. And many more.

if well implemented, it boosts your google rankings and puts you ahead of your competitors in your own niche.

Get to know all the features of our free Yoast SEO plugin in this short video by Yoast agency itself!

Zadroweb SEO Auditor

This tool provides the following overview statistics about your website;

★Page Authority
★Domain Authority
★Google Page Speed
★Loading Speed

These these statistics, you can keep track of your website performances in SEO world. Just input your website and click “Audit”

You can assess the website here: https://zadroweb.com/seo-auditor/

A typical example of the tool in action on a site is as shown below;

LSIGraph Tool

Full Meaning of LSI is Latent Systematic Indexing.

Google uses LSI keywords to understand the full context meaning of what a webpage is all about. Hence, this is where LSIGraph tool comes into play.

The tool generates LSI keywords that are similar to your main keyword.

Once generated, you can sprinke these LSI keywords in your web content.

The image below shows LSI keywords generated from the keyword “good backlinks”


This Buzzsumo tool shows the total number of keywords mentions on social media e.g. Facebook, twitter, pinterest, reddit etc alongside thier webpages as shown below.

It is a MUST-HAVE tool that also tells us where certain keywords are within the web.

A quick image example is as shown as with the keyword “high quality backlinks”

Website Grader By Hubspot

In grading your website in terms of factors such as mobile SEO, performance, security and SEO, adopt this tool as your best companion.

These factors are rated over 30 as you scroll below.

Generally, it presents an overview score of the general health of your website.

For example, As you can see below, this site “chetaweb.info” is OK with a score of 63.


For a web content to get higher ranking, one of these things needed to achieve such aim is LSI (related) keywords.

But the question here is this; How do we know the LSI keywords to include?

Well, this Keys4Up tool does the job for you.

An example is the keyword “Backlinks” as done by the KeysUp tool.

The related keywords will be highest numbers are those more appropriate to include into your website.


https://questiondb.io/ is the website to assess this tool

This tool is very important and powerful tool for website owners who was to grow thier blog via article writing.

With QuestionDB, you can find most interesting SEO-friendly topics ideas that are related to your main keyword. Most of these topics are mainly questions.

To get started, input your main keyword into the tool and click “generate”. For example, let us take an example of this keyword “high quality backlinks”.


MetaTags.io tells us how our website will be like when Google results are displayed after a keyword query by an internet surfer and when your content is shared on social media like Facebook, twitter, pinterest, Google and Linkedln.

To utilize this tool, first input your website link into the space as indicated by the red arrow below

Secondly hit “enter” on your computer keyboard.

The image below shows a good example of the tool in action for a website link; “www.chetaweb.info


It gives you related keyword suggestions to help make your content SEO-friendly after thorough analysis.

It also detects word phrases that are of low quality for elimination or improvement to make your content more smarter and better.

To get started, input your website url and its main keyword to get a score of website-keyword relevancy. Then follow any further steps.

SEO Plugin By Squirrly

This tool tells if your web content is 100% SEO-friendly or not.


The tool comes with several package tools such as keyword research tool, Google SERP tool, SEO live assistant, SEO audit etc to achieve the above motive.

But for content optimization, the SEO virtual assistant will do justice for us.

You can visit this link here to get started: https://plugin.squirrly.co/

And to access the SEO live assistant, you can check here; https://plugin.squirrly.co/seo-virtual-assistant/

When you use the SEO assistant tool, you get a similar report as shown below;

Structured Data Markup Helper By Google

This tool will help you add structured-data markup to a sample web page for setting the markup up isnt an easy task.

To get started, visit this link; https://www.google.com/webmasters/markup-helper/u/0/ and follow the instructions you see there.

This image below tells it all.


Ryte is a special kind of tool that exposes LSI related keywords that your competitors may likely use to get higher google rankings.

Once you get hold of these keywords, you sprinkle them in your content to boost up your webpage SEO.

You also fix up technical issues with On-page SEO to produce a widely acceptable content SEO-wise and User-wise.

All you need do is to input your website URL as shown below to kick off the process.

Once you input your website URL, an analysis of your URL begins. This might take several hours to see results.


One factor that repels readers is bad spellings and typo errors?

And the task of doing proofreading for such errors is very tedious, hence this is where grammarly tool comes into effect.

It is a tool you can install into firefox browser and search your article/content for errors.
https://grammarly.com/ is where you can reach for the tool

Portent Title Generator

When visitors visit your content topic, very few get to read through your content.

Now, the selling point here is your content TOPIC. if its well crafted and attractive, it will make visitors read through your content and one tool that can help you out is Portent Title Generator.

The tool helps you in generating good quality headlines.

Image below is an example of the tool in use for the keyword “good backlinks”

Google SERP Review Tool

It is a tool that you can install into Google chrome browser.

It helps you structure your page title and meta description length to ensure they are not too long.

For if they are, Google will cut off the rest, thus making your meta description looks incomplete and ugly.

Just fill in the blank spaces as shown below to get started.

Here is thier official website: https://www.countingcharacters.com/google-serp-tool

That is all.

But maybe i miss out any content tools or you need further clarification on them, I have posted this video by similar content below.

It explains over 13 SEO content tools for your digest.

Feel free to watch! You will love this.

Rank Tracking

search latte

This tool helps you to track your rankings manually.

Here is how it is done

– Just enter your keyword, pick an international version of Google (any country and language) to see that country’s search results rankings, then compare it to your own to see if you are making progress or not.

If not, then its time you do on-page SEO optimization.

It can be reached out here; http://searchlatte.com/

Just begin filling in the blank spaces to get started. Simple!

Google Search Console

This tool is one reliable tool since it comes from google and google produces search result rankings which is very accurate for the tool.

To get started visit their website here to get started; https://www.google.com/webmasters/ and click on “search console” as shown below


This is one great tool invented by Neil Patel, an SEO blogger and guru.

The official website is this: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/

Recently added to ubersuggest is a new rank tracking feature.

Here are the steps to follow to enjoy this feature;

  • Put in your URL in the blank space and click “search”
  • Click “dashboard” on the Left Side of your screen
  • Click “New project” and fill in the neccesary details.
  • click “tracked keywords”
  • Monitor your rankings
    See these images below for guildance.

Rank Tracker

This is a special tool called Rank Tracker that i want to show you.

Mathew woodward gives a review about the tool in his video as shown below.


Technical SEO


As quoted by browseo.net, Browseo is a web application that allows you to view any webpage without distractions caused by styles.

It also highlights parts of a page that are relevant for SEO.

To get started, just put in your website URL and click “browse”

Google Analytics

This is a tool owned by Google search engine itself.

It is a MUST-HAVE tool to checkmate our traffic visitors activities so far in terms of impressions, monthly visits, bounce rates, page-views, sessions etc. all in an overall analytic report.

Through this report, we can monitor the general traffic statistics of your site and know which webpages is performing well or not

You can start by visiting this link; http://www.google.com/analytics

Also it exist as a plugin that can be installed in your wordpress settings on your website dashboard.

A typical example of a website analytic report for 30 days is as shown below;

From the report above, we can say that the website doing very well. The lower the bounce rate, the better the website SEO.

Google Mobile

Present-day statistics have shown that most traffic visitors now assess websites via their mobile devices.

So for your site to enjoy more viewership, it must be mobile-friendly or else,…..hmmmm…..

And Google mobile is one tool to check if a site is mobile friendly or not. If the report is negative, it needs serious work to make it mobile responsive.

To check if yours is mobile-friendly or not, visit this link here: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/
Input your website URL and click “Test URL” as shown below;

After clicking, as you can see below, a typical site example says it is NOT Mobile-Friendly. meaning it has webpage issues to fix.

But when you see this, don’t panic, this tool lists out the likely issues and how to solve them.


Aside Google mobile-friendly, another factor that determines a site functionality is its Load Speed.

And the GTmetrix tool is the most qualified to give an accurate figure of a website loading speed.

Their official website is this http://www.gtmetrix.com.

Visit the link and input your website URL, then click “Test my URL”

A test example on neilpatel site is as shown below. The page-speed score is 89% meaning the loading speed is very OK.

But if your score happened to be low, There are recommendations listed for you to follow to boost up the speed.

That is the beauty of GTmetrix

Microdata Generator

Official site: http://www.microdatagenerator.org

The Microdata Generator makes creating local SEO schema markup very easy.

This is perfect if you’re a local business (or have local SEO clients).

Just fill in your basic business details (like address, phone number, opening hours etc.) and you are good to go.

XML Sitemap Validator by iPullRank

To enure your website has a valid sitemap, this tool is most suitable for it.

The XML Sitemap Validator also double checks that the links in your sitemap work.

To start off, simply input your XML sitemap URL or upload its file


This is a very powerful and important tool that every website owner must use at regular time intervals.

Its job is to display how well your site responds to Google guidelines as per page-speed, security, Googlebot access, google mobile, robots.txt, accessibility, sitemaps, valid HTML, HTTP headers, image alt text etc.

Here is thier official website: https://varvy.com/

What is needed to start off is your website URL.

Input it there as shown below:

A final result on a site is as shown below.

I strongly advise you make maximum use of this tool.

Rel Nofollow Checkbox

This plugin adds a simple checkbox in the insert/edit link popup for including nofollow attribute.

Just download and install the plugin in your website admin dashboard by visiting this link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/rel-nofollow-checkbox/


Is referral “ghost spam” messing up your Google Analytics reports?

Worry no more!

The Loganix tool quickly filters out spam bots and ghost traffic by creating a segment in Google analytic that ignores traffic from spammy websites.

To start with, visit its official website and click on “services” as indicated in the image below

After which, you scroll down a bit and click on “sign up for dashboard” to continue process.

Website Penalty Indicator

Pondering if your website has been penalized by Google or not?

This website penalty indicator does justice to that.

If so, it shows your Google penalties alongside its dates.

To check if your site is affected, visit this link: https://feinternational.com/website-penalty-indicator/ and fill up the details as shown below and click “check domain” to continue.

Panguin Tool

During google algorithm updates, sometimes websites get queried for several reasons and still misbehaving.

if you suspect so but unsure, then the panguin tool will help you find out.

To use this tool, you will need a gmail account to start with. if you have none. Register for one.

For new beginners generally, do NOT freak.

We have researched and posted this Youtube video by Neil patel explaining how to perform a simple technical SEO and tools used.

Feel free to watch below!

That will be all for now, though this list will be continually updated as time goes on.

But For beginners ,there are other simplest tools that they need to know of.

But this time, this video from YouTube by Mani karthik does some justice to it.

Please Watch Below!




This is where we draw the curtains for now.

It wasn’t an easy task putting up this article on free best SEO tools, but we concluded it successfully.

We will keep updating this list anytime we come across any free SEO tool.

PLEASE NOTE: You don’t really need to implement these tools for SEO if you are time-restraint. Just pick out the tools you feel are best for you and use.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: [[[[[[[[ These tools were free as at the time of this posting this list ]]]]]]]]]]

…….Here is the Next Step……

Now the table is yours

How do you see this Article on Free best SEO tools?
Which of the tools are you trying on?
Do you know of any tool that deserve to be in this list?
Do you have anything to say at all?

Let me know by dropping a comment below

I am 100% available to respond to your comments one-by-one.

Thanks for your time, patience, attention and endurance

Till I see you again in my next post, I remain your friendly neighbourhood spiderman.

Oppp sorry!

Your friendly neighbourhood business online tutor.


Bye for Now.

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