7 Steps To Website Competitor Analysis Using Ubersuggest


Editorial Staff

As the internet grows, the battle for first page of search engine rankings becomes fiercer by the day.

Infact, there are factors that compel big G(Google) to place such websites on its first page.

And what exactly could these factors be?

This is where Website Competitor Analysis comes into play.

Hence, in this article, using a special tool called ubersuggest(by neil patel), we will explain steps to conducting analysis of competitor websites to determine these factors.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you don’t have much time to read, feel free to click on any of these category topics that interests you for quick access.

What is Website Competitor Analysis

What exactly does it entails?

In simple terms, it means studying what your competitors websites are doing to rank high.

In an expanded form, it covers the following methods below;

  1. Identifying who your competitors are
  2. Identifying areas where your competitors are strong at and replicating them
  3. Finding their weaknesses and capitalizing on it.
  4. Finds what is trending in your niche industry
  5. Discovering your current level of SEO performance
  6. Noticing areas that favors Google most in terms of its ranking results
  7. And much more.

In this guide, we will carry out this SEO competitor analysis process using this special tool;

What is this tool?

Owned by Neil Patel, Ubersuggest is a tool used by bloggers, SEO experts and marketers.
It gives deep insights into performances of websites and its competitors alongside its SEO strategies(in terms of keywords research, backlinks building, content ideas etc.) that are working for them.

Now, for us to carry out this SEO competitor analysis using ubersuggest proper, we will break it down step by step and it will be executed (in form of a Case-Study) for better understanding.

In this case study, lets assume we are new into the game and want to rank for this keyword: “Profitable Freelance Business Ideas” on google first page.

And Yes, it is a long tail keyword because it is just ideal that new blogs target them(long tail keywords) to stand a great chance of achieving higher SERP rankings.

So, Lets roll in.

7 Steps To Website Competitor Analysis Using Ubersuggest

Identify Your Competitors

Who exactly are your competitors?

Reiterate earlier that i mentioned of the use of long tail keywords because of the following;

  • First, it is much easier to rank for
  • Secondly, it lists out the set of competitors we can beat to first page of Google.

It is almost practically impossible to go for short tail keywords that commands huge search volume.

And because these keywords are dominated by highly-authoritative and trusted sites(DA over 80+), you can’t beat them easily, so they cannot be your competitors at all.

Hence, doing a google search of our case-study keyword; Profitable Freelance Business Ideas gives us the following results below(as at this time of posting this);

As you can see above, there are over 10 webpages of Domain Authorities of less than 60 i.e. 16, 58, 37, 50, 21, 8, 31 etc.

From these webpages, we will look into atleast 2 of them as a main reference to run our SEO competitor analysis and the one i recommend are

Why these two?

Because they are Google favorites for the 1st and 2nd top positions and definitely there are reasons for that.

So who are we not to consider them?

SPECIAL NOTICE: As we proceed, we will be making use of one or both of the competitors links in our case study where and when necessary.

Replicate Their Link Building Strategy

Here, we will begin the use of ubersuggest tool to assess the websites(referring domains) where our competitors are getting thier backlinks from.

Step 1

Access the Ubersuggest tool via this link

Step 2

First of all, Click “Backlinks” to open dropdown menu, then click “”backlinks overview”

Step 3

Input the URL of your competitor website and click “search”

Step 4

After clicking “search”, you will see a page showing domain authority, number of referring domains and backlinks.

Next, scroll down to see the backlinks one by one.

Step 5

As shown in the image below, click on the link icons to open each of the webpages(referring domains) (as source) where the backlinks resides, starting from the top with the highest domain authority to the least.

For a start, you can open about 5 of them and locate where the backlinks are, using its corresponding anchor text as a guide.

For example, opening the first one: Source: behance.net/Uberm….. and scrolling down will take us to where the anchor text: Huntlancer links as shown below leading us to the Target: “https://www.huntlancer.com/interior-desi…..”

As you can see above, this is a user profile account settings from which the backlink was created from, hence a user profile link.

So, all you need do is to visit the website(www.behance.net), sign up to create your user account, then in your user account settings, visit the links section to create your backlink.

That’s all.

Now, lets check out the second.

This second link takes us to this referring domain: Source: https://dekorlivingroom.web.app/egyptian-living-room-furniture.html.

And using the anchor text: Living Room Modern Egyptian Interior Design as a guide, we can see that the backlink is in form of an image link(Target: https://www.huntlancer.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Yasmeen-Wassim-Living-Room-Design-Ideas.jpg)

So, how do you replicate such?

On the referring domain(Source) website, scroll down and click “contact” to reach out to the website owner using blogger email outreach technique to inform him that you want to add your picture to the list.

That is all.

I hope you truly understands all this link building strategy above.

If you have any questions, reach out to me in the comments section at the very bottom of this full article and i will put you through.

Analyze Their Content

Check out your competitors’ webpage contents.

Are they of high quality or not?

Are they thinner or thorough enough

This is where the skyscraper technique (by brain dean) comes into play.

The technique is simply a strategy where you find a webpage content that is ranking high in SERP results with lots of backlinks, scrutinizing it thoroughly for any weakness and capitalizing on them to our own advantage.

Such weaknesses can be poor content design, poorly formatted content, no illustrative images for better understanding, No actionable tips etc.

If you spot any of these, it is an opportunity to strategize them in your own content.

For example, using the content of our case study webpage link: https://www.huntlancer.com/freelance-business-ideas-2020/ , it only contains blocks of descriptive texts under each idea without any images or actionable tips or inner paragraphs.

Hence, you can do the following to produce a much better content than that of huntlancer’s below;

  1. If you observe, huntlancer list 50 freelance business ideas, make yours 60 thus making your content much longer. Google favors longer content.

  2. Add illustrative images to buttress every listed ideas for better understanding

  3. Make every idea ACTIONABLE and IMPLEMENTABLE i.e. meaning you can carry out action on any of the ideas at a go.

  4. Break down any inner tips, strategies or points under each idea into sub-paragraphs and headings

  5. Leave enough spaces in-between every paragraphs for easy readability.

  6. If necessary, add explanatory videos from YouTube or other source.

  7. Create infographics to summarize all the ideas in graphical form.

Spy Its Organic Keywords For Traffic

Surely, there are certain keywords that must be responsible for popping our competitor webpage on first page of google search results and generating organic traffic to it.

At this point, all we need do is to search for such keywords and copy them into ours.

So how do we locate such organic keywords?

Ubersuggest to the rescue.

Study this keyword section image below;

All you need do is to open the ubersuggest tool, then, first, click the “keywords” in the main menu at the Left-Hand-Side(LHS) of your computer screen

And secondly, click “Keywords By Traffic” as shown below;

This takes us to the keyword section which reveals to us the keywords that places our competitor on various positions on google search results and drives organic traffic.

keywords such as;

  • freelance businesses which places it on position 3
  • freelancing business which places it also on position 3
  • freelance business idea which places it on position 2
  • freelancing idea which places it on position 4
  • And so on

So what do we do here now?

Since Position 1-10 occupy first page of google SERP results page, we simply copy for the keywords that places our competitor webpage from these positions(1-10).

It is as simple as that.

Then, we sprinkle the copied keywords on various sections of our article we want to rank.

SPECIAL NOTICE: If you observe, you will notice that the number of estimated traffic for these keywords are a bit low i.e. 20, 13, 12, 10, 7, 6 etc. because these keywords are medium-tail keywords.

Note that these are just mere assumptions hence, does not represent the actual numbers of traffic visitors, so the number maybe higher.

Also if you add the numbers together, it can sum up to over 500+ traffic visitors.

Examine Your Competitors’ Top Pages

What do we mean by “Top Pages”?

By top pages, i mean webpages that attract the highest number of traffic visitors.

Now, it isn’t just a mere coincidence or stroke of luck that it is able to achieve this.

There must be something behind it that is responsible for this and that is what we will examine and replicate when constructing your own article webpages.

So what are these things?

Lets get started by examining the top pages of our competitor below.

Step 1

Open ubersuggest tool via its link

Step 2

On the LHS of the menu section, click “Traffic“, a sub-menu appears, click “Top Pages By Traffic

Step 3

Type your competitor website and click “search”

This image below gives a better illustration of the above steps as it is done;

After clicking the search button, it will take us to this similar image as shown below;

As you can see above, it shows the competitors webpages that has the highest number of estimated visits i.e. 263,240,158,117, 106,96 and so on.

As you scroll down, you get to see more top webpages alongside their estimated visits as well.

So, how do these webpages manage to attract such a good number of traffic, thus becoming top-pages?

Definitely, there are certain factors, strategies and tips that must be responsible for this.

Lets go check them out.

First, lets examine this section of these top-pages very critically

As you can see above, it shows the competitors webpages that has the highest number of estimated visits i.e. 263,240,158,117, 106,96 and so on.

As you scroll down, you get to see more top webpages alongside their estimated visits as well.

So, how do these webpages manage to attract such a good number of traffic, thus becoming top-pages?

Definitely, there are certain factors, strategies and tips that must be responsible for this.

Lets go check them out.

First, lets examine this section of these top-pages very critically

What do you observe?

Let me give you 5 minutes.

1 minute gone!


2 minute gone!



Last minute over

So, have you spot out anything?

In order not to waste time, lets fish out what i feel are the reasons they are tagged “Top pages

  1. As indicated by numbers, majority of the top pages are LIST pages.
    A case-study by buzzSumo to determine what type of content attracts traffic most proves that traffic visitors are naturally compelled to read LIST posts pages than other forms of posts.

    WHAT TO DO: Ensure that majority of your blog posts you write are in LIST form.

  2. These top-pages possesses backlinks no matter the number e.g. 5,4,7,62,48,3 etc.

    WHAT TO DO: create high quality backlinks

  3. The Top-pages URLs are as SHORT and DESCRIPTIVE as possible e.g. http://www.huntlancer.com/essential-blogs-for-freelancers/, http://www.huntlancer.com/childrens-book-illustrators/

    WHAT TO DO: Make your blogpost URLs short, concise and to the point. Google loves it.

  4. They choose to go for low to medium density(long-tail to medium-tail) keywords judging from their respective seo difficulty levels which means these keywords are easy to rank.

    Level 1-30 = low density
    Level 30-70 = Medium density
    Level 70-100 = High density

WHAT TO DO: Avoid short-tail(single) keywords for they will be nearly impossible to rank. instead go for medium and long-tail keywords.

Perform Site Audit For SEO Issues

What is Site Audit?

Site Audit is the general “health” assessment of all components(Technical, on-page and off-page) of a website for any SEO issues.

How does this audit favor you?

Simply perform a site audit on your competitor website, look out for any errors, issues or areas that needs improvements and finally capitalize on them.

Lets carry it out

Step 1

Open ubersuggest tool

Step 2

click “Site Audit

Step 3

Type your competitor website(homepage or webpage) and click the search button

These above steps are illustrated in this image below for better follow-up;

After clicking search button, the site audit process begins to progress as the tool crawls all webpages one-by-one.

This takes some few munities depending on the size of the website.

After the process is done, you will see something similar as this below;

So what next?

We take a very critical look at the audit report, identify SEO issues and ensure it doesn’t repeat on our website.

Step 4

identify SEO Issues on Our Competitor website by clicking on “See All SEO Issues

After that, it will take us to the SEO Issues section as shown below;

Step 5

Look out for any of these issues on your own website audit report and fix them up by clicking on “what is this and how do i fix it?” link.

This gives you an added advantage over your competitors website when google search engine crawls your site again.

Step 6

Finally, check your website load speed(both desktop and mobile) at the LOAD TIME section.

If you see “NEEDS IMPROVEMENT” (as shown in the image below) in both or any of the desktop and mobile load time, then you need to carry out several measures to reduce your load time speed.

How do we do that?

The shortcut solution is simply to install a plugin called WP Rocket though at a price in your WordPress dashboard settings. You can get it here for FREE

So, doing so will improve your website load time and give you an edge over your competitor website in the eyes of google.

NOTE that a website load time speed is one factor that google uses to rank websites in its search rankings.

SIDE NOTE: If you have migrated around the tool especially the pricing section, you must have noticed that the tool comes with various packages(monthly and lifetime) and must have wondered why i used the word “FREE” in the title topic: 7 Steps To Website Competitor Analysis Using Ubersuggest(FREE) For Higher Search Rankings

Yes, you can operate the ubersuggest tool for free because it offers a 7-day trial period where you use the tool in premium(full) mode for only 7 days without any payment.

After 7 days, you will be charged based on the package you choose.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Steps To Website Competitor Analysis Using Ubersuggest

I hope with these few steps, you will be able to run a successful competitor analysis for your website.

Though it does not really guarantee instant boost in search engine rankings at a go but it boosts your chances of hitting the top 10 spot over a limited period of time if implemented well.

My recommendation is that you run this analysis every 6 months to 1 year for quick, effective results.

But as you do all these, don’t forget one thing: Create High Quality Backlinks as MANY as possible to build your Domain Authority(DA) up and up.

The higher your DA, the higher the potential of your search rankings.

It is very key to google.


So this is where i will be drawing the curtain on this article; website competitor analysis using ubersuggest.

But i wont leave you stranded like sheep with Shepherd.

I will be with you in the comment section down below to continue the discussion on anything you need clarification on.

Now, the table is yours.

Are you going to try out the ubersuggest tool for a start?

Or which of these steps are you leveraging on to beat your competitors at thier own game?
Do you need clarity on any areas at all?
Do you have any comments, questions, recommendations or suggestions that you would like me to know?

Feel free to post them in the comments section below.

I am 100% available to respond to your comments one-by-one.

Thanks for your time, patience, attention and endurance

Till I see you again in my next post, I remain your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

Oppp sorry!

Your friendly neighborhood SEO and online finance tutor.


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