How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners(Actionable Guide)


Editorial Staff

In this article, we will teach you how to start affiliate marketing for beginners like you.

But before that, while browsing some products on the internet, have you ever come across similar links as shown below;

Or you see something like this;

That is affiliate marketing taking place in action.

Someone is marketing(recommending) a product to you on behalf of the manufacturer and if you buy such product or service, that person will earn money(commission) for it.

That is what affiliate marketing is all about.

And in the world of internet marketing, starting affiliate marketing and making money from it is a very big, technical and complicated topic on its own especially if you don’t have a grip knowledge about it.

Hence, in this tutorial, we will teach you everything on how to start an affiliate marketing for beginners and make lots of money online from it.

So, without any time-waste, lets get into business

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Common Terms Used In Affiliate Marketing

Before we do deep into affiliate marketing, it will be wise to intimate you with the terms that are commonly used in affiliate marketing so you don’t get confused along the way.

So, let check them out below;

The Merchant

This refers to as the producer, brand, vendor, seller, retailer or manufacturer of the product.

He is the one who places his product for affiliate marketing for a commission and anyone who indicated interest in promoting his product earn such commission from him if a sale is made.

The Affiliate

This is the person who bids for a product, makes efforts promoting it and earns money for his efforts if he succeed in making a consumer buys the product.


This refers to the money the affiliate gets after a sale is made through him.
it is usually direct in cash

OR in percentage form

Affiliate Program/Network

It is the arrangement system whereby the affiliate meet with the manufacturer, gets approval from him to market his product and get paid from it if any sale is made.

Popular examples are Clickbank, JVZOO, product affiliate page, CJ etc.


This is the action of purchase that a buyer makes. When such is made and completed, the affiliate earns money for it.

Tracking Link

This is the link of the product given to you to promote. The interested buyer will click on that link to make a purchase when will be monitored by you.

Such links comes in various formats.

An example of a web hosting product(namecheap) is as shown below;

Affiliate Manager

This is the person acting as an intermediary between the affiliate and the manufacturer. He coordinates the whole affiliate process(payment, product delivery) to ensure that it is fair on both sides.


This is the product of service that the manufacturer is putting up for affiliate marketing for affiliates to see and apply if interested.

That is all.

I hope these terms will help you out as you read through this tutorial for better understanding.


Lets get to the nitty-gritty of this topic.

What Is Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing! Affiliate marketing!! Affiliate marketing!!!

How do I explain this?

So many thoughts running in my head.

Ok, to start with, I want you to take a look at this image below;

Using the descriptive words in the image above, an aspect of affiliate marketing can be explained as follows;

1. Affiliate puts up an Ad on a website: An Ad means a product or service advertised on a website for consumers to see and buy if interested.
2. Consumer click and convert: The consumer click on the product to buy it.
3. Conversions are tracked: this means that the affiliate monitors the process of purchase made via a tracking link of the product he is advertising(promoting)
4. You get a sale, affiliate get a commission: This means the real manufacturer makes a sale from it while the affiliate is paid cash for such sale made through him.

That is all.

So, according to wikipedia, we can confidently define Affiliate Marketing as;

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts

From the definition, affiliate marketing is based on performance, meaning that if you make more efforts in promoting more products on a wider scale, you earn more commission for yourself.

And it is a process that is based on your own marketing efforts.

The more efforts you put into it in terms of promotion and expansion, the more money you made

Now, lets check out the reasons why you need to go into affiliate marketing as well as its negatives or disadvantages

Why You Need To Go Into Affiliate Marketing- Its Advantages

Make Money Effortlessly

Affiliate marketing is just like “Plug and Play

How do i mean?

You set up your product advert, leave it to run and as multiple visitors see such product, anyone interested in it will place an order.

That is all.

It is a passive way of making money online.

For example, you set up a banner ad just once only, interested visitors click on it to make a purchase and you earn a commission.

No extra efforts needed to be made by you.

The only thing you do is to wake up everyday, sit, cross your legs, sip a cup of coffee and turn on your computer to see how much you have made so far.

Isn’t that so sweet?

Set Up Process Is Less Stressful

The affiliate process has been designed in a way that all tools needed to run ads has been put in place already.

For example, see the getresponse email tool, it provides texts, videos, infographics, banners, email ads etc that an affiliate can use to promote it

It Is Easily Scalable

Because the process is now simplified, you can boost up your affiliate business by engaging in multiple affiliate programs and spreading your net across the internet using both free or paid promotional methods.

For example, you can promote products in JVZOO and clickbank on the net at the same time.

Definitely this will build up your earnings more and more. Infact, you can make thousands of dollars within weeks depending on the amount of efforts you put in.

Suitable For Everyone

In affiliate marketing, no technical knowledge or experience is needed at all. Everyone, i mean everybody, even a 13-year-old can kickstart the process at a go.

If you are bit confused, there are tutorials set up by affiliate programs that can put you straight on it.

So you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

No Complaints No Worries

When there is complaint or dispute about your affiliate product, it is for the merchant(manufacturer) to sort it out with the buyer, not you.

In other words, you are not dealing with any complaints from the buyer.

The only thing here is that you might lose the offer but it is at no cost to you in any form.

No Pressure On You

There is NO Deadline attached to any affiliate program, meaning that if you apply for any affiliate product and you get approved, you are at liberty to run the process for as long as you like.

If you like, deliver affiliate sales now, 2 days time, 3 months time or even a year, it does not worry the merchant at all.

In other words, it is not time-bound.

Afterall the merchant has several other means through which he is making sales as well. Affiliate marketing is just one of them to him.

2nd Source Of Income

These days, times are really hard just to stiff competition and the effect of covid-19 pandemic.

Hence it is advisable that one arranges an alternate source of income aside the main source so as to sustain life.

Aside your main job, this can add extra cash to your bank account to handle small expenses.

Since it doesn’t require any regular physical activity, you just set it up once and forget it while it generates money for you.

Little/Zero Investment Capital

This is not just one but the biggest reason why lots of persons are venturing into affiliate business to make money for themselves.

Majority of the affiliate products either within a network e.g. JVZOO, digistore, warriorplus etc or a sole website.

The only area where you might spend money is if you want faster results by paying for special ads.

Aside that, everything else is absolutely free.

No wonder the affiliate system is highly competitive.

Wide Range Of Products To Promote

Take a look at these categories of products in clickbank alone below;

Clickbank has over 25 niches with each niche(category) having over hundreds of products under it for you to choose from.

So you see, when it comes to searching for which product will bring in much Return-On-Investment(ROI), the limit is endless.

Note that this is just clickbank alone, we have digistore, JVZOO, shareasale among others.

Even solo products websites are not left out as well.

Lets look at the negatives or disadvantages of affiliate marketing;

Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing

Huge Competition

Take a look at each of these 3 affiliate products on JVZOO

You will observe that they have been sold thousand times and are still in offer. That is to tell you how very tough it will be for any new affiliate to make sales from it.

And what does this mean?

It means you have to expand your ad space on the internet and even make use of paid promotion to boost your chances of recording sales.

No Control Over Pricing And Commission

Whatever you see, you take it as it is.

There is no rule for negotiation as the prices and commission are fixed for all the products involved.

If you are dissatisfied about any products in terms of its commission, you can leave out the product and go for the ones that are Ok for you especially the ones that gives high commission.

Don’t Expect Earning Immediately

Generally, affiliate marketing is a slow to immediate process.

When you have set up ads for your products, it may take quite some time for it to gain traction before it start getting traffic visitors attention.

So, you need to be very patient.

But if you need faster results, you can opt for paid promotional methods such as paid banners, Google Adwords, PPC ads etc.

For example, see these google adword adverts on google search front pages below;

And yes it costs money to place such ads on the top 3 positions on front page of google.

Requires Self Discipline And Consistency

After setting up your affiliate product ad, there is no guarantee that it may work out perfectly. Hence, you must monitor it consistently to ensure it is giving you positive results.

If you are using free methods such as search engine optimization(SEO), it may take some time for it to gain momentum before you start seeing signs of possible sales.

So, in this process, you might need to be trying different methods to see which one works best out for you.

If method A seems to be ineffective, try method B, if method B fails, try C and just like that. For example, some potential buyers may like videos more than just reading texts.

So, what do you do at this point?

Spread it out.

Create multiple ads on videos, texts and images e.g. banners etc and upload on YouTube, review sites/blogs and image-sharing sites respectively.

This surely will boost your chances of making sales thus making more earnings.

Just monitor it regularly.

Affiliate Link Hijack

Sure you heard me right.

Internet fraudsters can hijack your affiliate links, re-modify it and begin to siphon earning accrued to you into their own accounts.

Al they do is to replace the Aff_ID with thier own customized ID.

But, the big question is this: How do we protect our affiliate links?

The answer is Cloaking.

Most times, our affiliate links exposes our usernames, IDs like this:

Link cloaking allows you to shorten these lengthy ugly link into branded URLs like these:, thus protecting the real identity of your link.

And it does so for the following below;

It protects your link from hijacking
– it makes your link look more presentable
– It enables you manage your link from your website interface dashboard

There exist tools and plugins to aid you cloak your links easily

So, go ahead and implement it.

With the pros outweighing the cons of affiliate marketing, you dont need a magician to tell you that affiliate business is the best and easiest way of making money online.

Lets continue with our next chapter which is about diving into the affiliate business itself.

Steps To Starting An Affiliate Business


I want you to take this part of of this writeup very seriously because it is what deals on the main core of affiliate marketing.

Any step can make or mar your entire process hence it is very crucial.

So, lets dive right in

Which Affiliate Networks Do I Go For

In the affiliate world, there are broadly 2 distinct types of affiliate networks:

1. Online Affiliate Marketplace such as JVZOO, digistore, avantage network, shareasale, clickbank, peerfly, amazon affiliate, walmart affiliate, CJ affiliate, ebay partner network, Awin etc. These are the popular ones.
2. Affiliate products websites: These are websites that runs affiliate programs on their own products and services e.g. namecheap affiliate, aweber, fiverr affiliate, warriorplus etc.

In The AFFILIATE MARKETPLACE, it is a place where manufacturers register and pay a fee to place their products for affiliate marketing.

Interested affiliates can also register but freely and apply for those products.

And once they get approved, the affiliate is given tools and tracking links to promote such products with the aim of earning commission from it.

Not all affiliate products offer promotional tools but tracking link is a must have.

For example, JVZOO is a popular example of such

See below;

These marketplaces are good and they pay very good commission on each affiliate product, depending though.

Just focus on these ones: clickbank. didgistore and JVZOO.

On the second network which is the AFFILIATE PRODUCT WEBSITE: It is solely owned and run by the manufacturer or company itself.

Unlike the marketplace, the manufacturer deals directly with the affiliate without any 3rd party involved.

A good example is Linkcollider tool use for social media.

The producer is offering a 50% commission on every referral or buyer you bring in via your tracking link.
And if such referral buys a membership plan, you earn a commission for that plan.

You can apply for as many website products in different websites as you like but do not overdo it.
Investing in just a few of them can make you thousands of dollars monthly.

Choose A Niche

A niche is like a subset or section of a group of similar products and it can any of these categories such as health & fitness, education, games, internet, mobile, entertainment, business, polities, parenting among others.

So, do you have a passion for any of them?


Do your area of specialization falls within these niches?


Are you an expertise in any of these fields?


Are there necessary tools available at your disposal to execute successfully?


Do you have an audience already to market to?


How tight or lose is the competition?


Do you feel you stand any chance of excelling successfully in your chosen niche?

These and other questions are what will determine your choices in picking a niche that suits you very well.

This is the basic foundation of kicking off your affiliate marketing business.

Pick A Product Or Service

After choosing a suitable niche, go for products based on the opportunities, skills, competition and environment.

For example, if you have a particular software you are using to run an online business, you can apply to be an affiliate of that software, promote it and earn commission from it.

Here is a software called doodlemaker in the internet/software niche which i use to make money online on seoclerks website by creating animation videos as you can see below;

I promote the same product as well by writing a review about it on high traffic online community sites like medium.

As you can see, i am leveraging on the fact that i have experience of doodlemaker, thus promoting it by writing review articles.

So, if i can, you can too.

If you are using email marketing in your business, you can promote email tools such as getresponse, aweber, mailchimp, convertkit etc.

And even if you don’t have any expertise or tools or skills, you can still go for any niche you like.

Just do a through in-depth research of your chosen niche and go for the one you feel you will excel well.

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Promote Your Affiliate Product

This is one part you must take very seriously because this is what brings in the traffic visitors, expose them to your product and where a fraction of them will indicate interest and buy the product.

So, lets check out the various ways of how you can promote your affiliate product to attract traffic visitors.

Write Honest Product Reviews

A product review is a writeup explaining the following:

– a brief intro about the product
– its specifications that qualifies the product
– its advantages or benefits from using the product
– the negatives you observed about the product
– your personal judgement about the tool.
– Did the product meet your expectations
– your final recommendations so far:
will you recommend the product to others?

And finally, you input the affiliate link in the review writeup.

The link will be in generic form e.g. “click here” or anchor text form e.g. “linkcoller tool”

An example is an affiliate marketer by the name Daniel hustle who writes reviews for his products to earn money from it as shown below;

But There Is A Trick To This: If you observe these image examples above, you can see that Daniel hustle is speaking about his personal user experience with these tools.

That means he actually bought them, tested them and writing our reviews of his observations.

So for you to follow through, you may have to spend cash by buying these products to test them and write a review report back.

Then, if any potential buyer is satisfied with the tool based on your reviews, he will go ahead to make a purchase.

Writing Products Tutorials

Product tutorials is about compiling a list of items stating their specifications, features, advantages and disadvantages in writeup form.

It is up to the readers to make their selection (based on these attributes) and buy it.

But this tutorial method works out for website of high traffic.

Infact, it is this method that Adam enfroy, an affiliate marketer uses to make lot of dollars from affiliate marketing

below is an example of a comparable review list of top 21 email marketing services he wrote and inserted his affiliate links in it as you can see below;

Even if you don’t have a website, medium is a good place to write product reviews

Or you can create your own website using this link: How to create a website or blog

The essence of writing a product tutorial is to enlighten a potential buyer on everything about the product and of what to expect from it if he buys and use the product.

So it is left for the buyer to decide whether to buy it or not. IF interested, he will click on the link to buy the product.

And once payment is completed, you earn money from it.

Create Videos And Upload On YouTube

Create a video about your product and upload it on YouTube.

YouTube is the 2nd biggest website in the world with over 2billion users daily hence the chances of getting buyers is very huge.

To create a video, there are several tools online but the one I use personally is VIDNAMI Video Tool which I recommend you use too.

After creating the video, create a YouTube channel and while uploading the video, input your affiliate link in the video description.

An example is panda tech video on youtube promoting bluehost product below;

The link can be direct or in shortened form(most preferred).

So uploading, respond to questions, statements, issues etc on your viewers comments if any to boost engagements.

Do Email Marketing

If you have an list of email subscribers, this is an opportunity to leverage on it by writing a brief writeup about the product and broadcasting it to your subscribers’ list.

A typical example is as shown below;

If you don’t have any list, you can start creating one using an email marketing tool called Getresponse tool.

For testing, this tool offers a 30-day trial with no credit card required for you to assess the tool and make up your mind to go for it or not.

This email tool offers email marketing tools, marketing automation, over 500+ landing pages templates (some outdated), sign-up forms, autoresponders, analytics and many others.

So, with all these properties, Getresponse is surely the best too for you.

For email marketing to work out well, the conversion rate (i.e. open rate and click rate) must be moderate to high.

And to boost conversion rate, you must carry out the following;

Make your subject headlines/titles invoke curiosity: Write your subject lines in a way that persuade the reader to click through.

See examples below;

Maintain simplicity: no use of ambiguous words. be precise, concise and straight to the point.
– Avoid broadcasting messages indiscriminately: Nothing annoys a subscriber than seeing messages from same sender every time. The next thing they will do is to hit the “unsubscribe” button and i am sure you wont want that.
Do A/B testing of email broadcast: It is a process of testing 2 styles and modes of email campaign to know which one works best in terms of open and click rates. If test A works better than test B, then go for A.

Another method you can do is to create Landing Pages a.k.a Sales Page.

A landing page is where you give out incentives such as free eBook, software, premium webpage access etc. in exchange for personal contact details such as names, emails etc.

This is how you gather to create an email subscribers list.

Now, here is the deal: Whenever you have a product, all you do is notify your subscribers list by copywriting a product writeup and broadcasting it out.

Such pages can be in form of pop-ups or at a corner of a webpage as shown below;

Email marketing is one of the most effective form of internet marketing out there. So utilize it very well

Create Digital Products Like eBooks, Online Courses

Discuss a topic that relates to the product you are promoting and along the line, recommend the product as the best bet among others.

It is almost the same as product tutorial or review but the difference is that ebook is portable and transferrable unlike the other.

So this means that you can transfer and upload it to document-sharing sites for more exposure and traffic e.g slideshare.

One tool i use to create my ebook is Sqribble Ebook Making Tool

Sqribble is a cloud-based ebook creator tool.

It contains lots of ready-made templates in popular different niches pre-designed for creating professional looking ebooks with just a few clicks, thus saving you a lots of time, energy and money.

All you need do is to simply “Drag and Drop” and hey, you are good to go.

Unlike other ebook creators, why do i recommend that SQRIBBLE is the best.

If you are somewhat interested, visit this button link below for easy access;

To master the art of ebook writing and how to even make money from it, i have put up a very comprehensive writeup for you here: How To Write An Ebook And Make Money From It

Display Affiliate Links On Banners

There exist several websites where you can buy banner space and upload your banner into it.

Here is how it is done:

– Design a banner that advertises the product: it is either you learn the skills or contract the services of a graphic designer to design one for you.
– Contact bloggers or website owners who are selling banner spaces on their websites. A good place to go is buysellads
You can contact them individually solely if you spot them.
– Write or embed your affiliate link on the banners.
– After much negotiation and payment, the website owner will place your banner on his website.

Here is an example of how a banner (for getresponse tool) looks like:

Banners comes in different sizes and formats such as 300×600, 468×60, 728×90,1200×628, 1080×1080, 250×300.

They are placed at strategic locations on a website homepage or webpages and costs varies according to these locations and banner sizes.

Below are products adverts on banner on blackhatworld;

And the last but not the least which is …………………………….

Create And Advertise On Social Media Networks

Why facebook, twitter, instagram, pinterest etc?

It is because these social media sites parade huge number of traffic visitors on a daily basis.

Facebook alone is the 3rd biggest website with over 6 billion users over the past 6 months while twitter has over 353 million users monthly

So, wont it be wise to consider social media when looking for buyers for your affiliate products?

How do we go about it?

For Facebook

you can make use of Facebook advert manager

– Click on “create an Ad” to start with.

– You will be taken to a page where you will be asked to create a Facebook page first

– Exist the popup box shown above and input all your information in the “Create a page” area where you put in your page name, category, description and click “Create Page” to finish up.

NOTE: While creating a Facebook page, input your Affiliate Link(in shortened form) in the “description” section.

After creating it, you can then advertise the page.

Examples of Ads on facebook are shown below;

Facebook Group: As for facebook group, you can create one too

To do so,

– Click  in the top right of Facebook and select Group.
– Enter your group name, choose the privacy option and then add people to your group.
– Click Create.

Once you create your group, you personalize it by uploading a cover photo and adding a description.

After creating the facebook group and page, promote it so as to grow your group and page members.

For Twitter

It is very simple. While you are on the twitter homepage, scroll down to the right down side of your screen and click on “Ads Info” as shown below;

– After that, click on “start a campaign” to get started

– Select country and Timezone, then click “Lets go”

– Complete the rest of the process.

Aside that, you can also create a twitter page and input your Affiliate Link(in shortened form) as you can see in the example below;

While creating the twitter page, that is when you will input your affiliate link.

NOTE: Some social networks may not accept affiliate links so you have to find a way to disguise it or create a very simple website, put your affiliate link in it and put your website link in your social pages.

For Youtube

As for Youtube, you can start by creating a video on your affiliate product and uploading it to youtube by clicking the upload icon as shown below;

Then from there, you can create a youtube channel.

As for Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn, same thing applies too – create pages on them as well.


There maybe a bit of challenge in setting up these promotional methods to promote your product, but have no worries.

There is where you can hire freelancers to create videos, graphic designers to design banners and article writers to write product reviews for you among others and the place is no other than FIVERR FREELANCING SITE.

Feel free to navigate through and hire them for your affiliate business.

That will be all about how to promote your product. Try all these methods i have listed above and you will be good to go.

NOTE: But bear at the back of your mind that it may take some time before you start seeing positive results.

Wish you all the best.

3 Biggest Mistakes Of Affiliate Marketing: How To Avoid Them

Just like other internet businesses, affiliate marketing also has its own pitfalls too.

And if it isn’t taken care of, it can cause serious hinderances and bottlenecks along your journey of becoming a successful affiliate marketer.

So, the earlier we realize these problems and nib them in the bud, the better.

Hence, lets check out these 3 biggest mistakes and hoe to avoid them.

Choosing The Wrong Affiliate Product

This is the biggest of all mistakes that affiliate marketers make when choosing a product to market.

Let me explain graphically. Take a look at this image below from clickbank;

The Gravity number means the number of affiliate sales so far and as you can see, it is high(465.21, 426.08) meaning that there maybe hot in demand.

Now, what is been advised is that affiliates should target products with high gravity because they believe the product is hot in demand.

Sure, it maybe but advising affiliates that they should go for such products based on that is a VERY BIG MISTAKE.


First, Because it creates stiff competition among affiliates promoting the products hence your chances of getting sales will be very slim.
Second, it makes affiliates took blind eyes to other products that stand a good chance of bring sales.

So, My advise is this: Go for other products that are moderately competitive so you stand a chance of making sales and earning commission instead of joining the bandwagon and struggling to make even 1 sale.

Joining Too Many Affiliate Programs

Since affiliate programs are easy to join and needs no signup fee, you might be tempted to join multiples affiliate programs to maximize earnings.

It is a good idea, no doubt.

But during the process, it will become very complicated and bureaucratic for you to handle alone.

Instead, why not consider this: Research for products that pays high commission with good promotional tools and go for them.

Applying for just about 3-5 of them and promoting the hack out of it can earn you thousands of dollars monthly.

What do you think?

A good move?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Not Buying The Product Itself

Picture this scenario.

If a product is launched by a manufacturer, how do you know the ins and outs of the product?

How do you qualify it based on standards and its intended delivery?

How do you know how it operates from within?

These and more questions are what a potential buyer will like to know .

And how can be get such information?

Surely he will get such info from marketers who have bought, tested the product.

Such marketers stands a greater chance of making sales than others.

So why not buy 2, 3 or 4 of these products and write a honest review about it?

Here below is an example of an affiliate marketer who spent and wrote a honest review about a product(stellation media)

Yes, definitely you will spend money on a product you wont use but that is the sacrifice you have to make.

But if you are at liberty to choose not to buy and can still make money but it will be very tough for you.

So, we recommend you make some sacrifices by buying them, writing a review, creating a video about it and promoting it.

Believe me, potential buyers also do in-depth research too before buying any product too.

It is up to you.

CONCLUSION: How To Start Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

So, there you have it: everything you need to know to build a highly successful affiliate marketing business.

Whether you keep things simple or aim for the stars is up to you.

But I highly recommend you follow the advice in this tutorial and try selling real products that have broad appeal and massive commissions.

But wait, let me say something here about affiliate marketing.

It is not get-quick-money scheme of business.

Here is what i mean;

When you start especially as a newbie, it will take some time before your promotional efforts begin gaining momentum and traffic flowing in.

Such time can span from days, weeks to months. but the more efforts you put, the quicker your results.

So, you have to be very patient.

Based on your in-depth research, apply for products that your audience have passion about based on current form and go for promotional methods that assures quick positive results.

Wish you all the best.

Any questions at all?

Lets me at the comments section below.

Now, The Table Is Yours

Now, it is over to you: how to start an affiliate marketing for beginners

What do you plan doing right now?

Are you now planning to invest with affiliate marketing to make money?
Which of the affiliate networks are you considering?
You have any questions on anything about any aspect of affiliate marketing?
Do you have any questions, issues, suggestions, recommendations, advise etc about anything at all on this topic?

Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

I am 100% available to reply to your comments one-by-one.

Thanks for your time, patience, endurance, attention.

Till I see you again in my next post, I remain your friendly neighbourhood spiderman.

Oppp! Sorry.

Your friendly neighbourhood SEO tutor.


Bye for now.

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