Steps To Operate Fiverr Successfully As A Buyer


Editorial Staff

Are you having difficulty on how to operate fiverr successfully as a buyer?

Are you searching for top quality products and services on fiverr for your business, website, projects as a buyer etc?

Worry less

Operating Fiverr as a buyer mainly involve buying of services from sellers.

Therefore, in this article, I will explain every steps buyers must follow to purchasing products and services on fiverr successfully.

Infact, these are the tips i followed in purchasing these services below for myself as shown below;

So without time waste,

Lets roll


But before we begin,

At-least for the newbies, what is fiverr?

Fiverr is an ONLINE marketplace where sellers (freelancers) and buyers meet to trade products and services for as low as $5.

Such services cover various categories such as

1. Graphics & Design
2. Digital marketing
3. Writing & translation
4. Video & animation
5. Programming & Technology
6. Music & Audio
7. Business, industries and Lifestyle

Have a brief idea of fiverr and how it operates in this video below;

To get started, you need to visit their homepage here: Welcome To Fiverr and follow its instructions one-by-one to create an account.

For clarification sake, i have put up a comprehensive tutorial on how to operate a fiverr account specially just for you.

Visit here to access it: How To Set Up A Fiverr Account Easily


The Search Feature

While on the homepage (after setting up your account), you can quickly search for any services you want to buy using your keyword(s) by using the “search” box as shown below:

For example, if you need the services of a logo designer to design logos for your website or business, all you need do is to input the keyword(s): “logo”or “logo design” and hit “search” to bring up lots of logo design services to choose from.

See images below to understand what i am emphazing;

Below shows results of over 124,716 different logo design services that a buyer can choose from.

On normal circumstances, the default way to access any service is through its category e.g. Graphics & Design>>>logo design, but the search feature offers a quick and fast way to fish out the services you looking for with ease.

So you can make use of it anytime you come on fiverr or go through the category.

It depends on you.

The Category Feature

Aside the search feature, you can also access services through its various categories in which they are placed.

Just hover your mouse pointer on the category and you will see a list of sub-categories under it.

For example, if you are looking for article writers, the “Article writing & Translation” category is the best place to visit.

This category feature exists at fiver homepage so any buyer can search for any kind of services he/she needs at any point in time.

Using Seller Level Status

This involves searching for highly experienced and serious sellers who offer top-quality services to deal with.

Here is how to go about it.

Fiverr classifies sellers in various levels starting with the lowest(Entry) to the highest (Top-rated).
All the levels include;

1. Level 0
2. Level 1
3. Level 2
4. Top-Rated

These classification are based on these following criteria by fiverr:

1. High Quality service
2. On-time delivery
3. Great Customer satisfaction
4. Other factors e.g. duration as a seller, order cancellation, response rate, ratings etc.

Every month, fiverr classifies these sellers and awards higher levels to sellers who have done exceedingly well in those criteria listed above.

And these are the sellers most buyers order from, so it is highly recommended you go for them too.

I mean level 2 and top-rated sellers.

Even, if you observe the sellers services first pages very well, you will notice that majority of (level 2 and top-rated) occupy the first few pages.

Only extremely very few level 1 sellers occupy.

The below images speaks more on it;

As you can see, they are mainly top-rated and level 2 sellers.

Fiverr does so because such sellers are of high quality and so, they can be easily found by buyers, thus indirectly offering buyers the opportunity to locate them easily and deal business with them.

As for the level 0 and 1 sellers, it is up to them to work hard to boost their level up.

If you arent satisfied with the first page, you can visit the 2nd or 3rd pages to search through.

Just scroll down.

Before we proceed to the next step, I will be presenting you a very special gift either as a buyer or a non-skill first-time user.

But i will kept that as a secret and reveal it towards the end of this writeup.

Just keep your fingers crossed.


Lets continue with how to operate fiverr as a buyer

Contacting The Seller Before Ordering

When a buyer has located his/her preferred seller and has gone through his gig description, images, samples etc but need clarifications on certain areas, it is adviceable such buyers contact the seller for more understanding.

Even, some sellers do recommend you contact them before placing an order as shown below

This is very necessary to avoid time-waste and order cancellations.

And also for the buyers and sellers to understanding each other’s needs, requirements and expectations.

Sellers Star Ratings

Star ratings of any seller is determined by the number of feedback reviews from buyers based on their satisfaction of their order jobs done.

Such reviews can be positive and negative as shown below respectively.

And the more the positive reviews from buyers, the higher the star ratings of the sellers.

So what does this tells us?

It simply means that sellers with high ratings are 100% exceptionally good at their skills, hence the need for buyers to patronize such sellers.

For example, let take a look at this level 2 logo design seller (bibbiswa) below.

He has reviews from over 606 buyers of which 566 rated him excellently with 5 stars while 24 gave him 4 stars.

Overall, his star ratings is 4.9 which is very impressive and good.

So, definitely speaking, if you are seeking the services of a good logo designer, this seller is good to go.

You can order for his services with full assurance, confidence and peace of mind that he will deliver satisfactorily.

Lets more on to the next which is ………………….

Using Fiverr Pro

Pro stands for Professional.

What is it all about?

It is a group of sellers selected by fiverr as exceptionally talented, high skilled and offer high-quality service in their various fields.

You can have assess to them in the sellers front pages or by clicking the “Fiverr Pro” as shown below;

They are identified by the fiverr Pro badge as shown below;

Such sellers undergo serious tests and vetting by fiverr and if qualified, are placed in the Pro section as a professional.

You can learn more about it here; Fiverr Pro: finding the top freelancers

So, If fiverr recommends them as verified professionals, then you have nothing to fear about.

As a buyer, you can seek for their services too if you wish.

And be rest assured that they will deliver the goodies for you.

Using Rising Talent Feature

There are some services which are tagged “Rising Talent” as shown below

What is “Rising Talent” all about?

From the phrase itself, they are new services that has great potential of meeting buyers’ expectations in terms of on-time delivery, high quality and customer satisfaction as judged and picked by fiverr based on certain criteria.

So wont it be cool if you order from them?

Of course it would.

Just like Pro services, if fiverr can approve them based on thier criteria, then no need to entertain any fear.

Feel free to go ahead and order from them.

Through this link: Rising Talent On Fiverr, you can learn more about them for clarity and understanding.

Using Sellers Profile General Ratings

A seller general ratings can be viewed at the seller’s profile by clicking on the seller name as shown below:

Which leads us to the seller profile as shown below:

As you can see from above, the seller has a general of 5 which is excellent.

Not only that, as a buyer, you also need to check out the following reviews too:

1. seller communication level
2. Recommend to a friend
3. Service as described

If they are within the 4.0-5.0 range, it means the seller is a good bet to deal business with.

And, as you can see above, all these reviews are reading 5.0 which is superb.

Hence, you as the buyer can order from sellers like him with full assurance that you will get value and high quality service for your money spent.


That will be all for now.

I hope that with these few tips i have listed out, it will surely be your guide in selecting the most qualified sellers to meet your needs satisfactorily.

Lest i forget,

Remember that secret i promised you at the middle of this writeup?

You remember?


I am a good promise keeper.

Ask my girlfriend.


The Secret is this:

Do you know you can make money by just being a buyer whether you are skilled or not?

I have put up this article exclusively and specially for you

Here is the special gift for you below. Click on it

Making Money On Fiverr As A Buyer Or Without Skills

It is all about being a fiverr affiliate

Watch this very short video below;

So, if you are interested in smiling to the bank as a buyer using fiverr, feel free to click this button link shaown below;

All the very best

CONCLUSION: Steps To Operate Fiverr Successfully As A Buyer

Now, The Table Is Yours.

Are you starting off on fiverr as a buyer, wishing to try out these tips?
Do you have any tips that are not mentioned in this article?
Do you need clarity on any areas at all
Do you have any comments, questions, recommendations or suggestions that you would like me to know?

Feel free to post them in the comments section below.

I am 100% available to respond to your comments one-by-one.

Thanks for your time, patience, attention and endurance

Till I see you again in my next post, I remain your friendly neighbourhood spiderman.

Oppp sorry!

Your friendly neighborhood business online tutor.


Bye for Now.

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