How To Make Money On Fiverr(Complete Guide)


Editorial Staff

Have you heard of the word “Fiverr” before?

Maybe somewhere or not at all.

Either way, This Powerful guide will teach you how to make money on fiverr and EVERYTHING about it.

So without any time waste,

Lets roll.


Fiverr is a online marketplace where freelancers(sellers) to offer their services to customers(buyers).

A freelancer is a self-employed person who runs his own services himself.

Such category freelance services includes but not limited to the following;

a. Digital marketing
b. Graphic design
c. Writing and translation
d. Video animation
e. Programming and Technology
f. Lifestyle etc.


Here is how fiverr operates:

From the Sellers perspective:

A seller visits fiverr website, register an account and offers his services (skills, products) for a fee. Such fee starts at $5.

The services can be link building, logo designs, article writing, web traffic, voice over, website design, SEO, virtual assistance, web programming and many more.

All he need do is to display his services (called gigs) for sale and want for buyers to come purchase their services at an agreeable fee.

Once done, Fiverr sends his earnings directly to his bank account via payment methods such as Payoneer or PayPal.

From the buyers perspective

A buyer visits fiverr, registers an account, search out for services or products he wishes to purchase.

Once he sees what he needs, he places an order for it, make payments temporarily via his fiverr account balance, Paypal account or his credit card and wait for his order to be supplied or completed based on the agreeable number of days.

Once done, the buyer gets his final order delivery of which a final payment is deducted from the buyer’ s account and deposited into the seller’s account.

Now, before we go fully into this fiverr, we need to acquaint ourselves with the terminologies of fiverr as they are stated below;


These are those who purchase gig services on fiverr
These are those who offer thier services(skills, products) for sale on fiverr
These are products and services that are offered for sale on fiverr.
This is what describes what the gig is about.
These are categories that various gigs exists. They guide buyers into choosing the gigs service that need to order.
These are cost charges of every gigs service on fiverr
These is a overall measure of feedback reviews given by buyers to sellers about gig service deliveries. The more the satisfaction from buyers, the higher the ratings and vice versa.
These are various levels of sellers in accordance to their ratings, quality service deliveries, earnings(revenues), messages reponses, time etc. The levels are 3: LEVEL 1, LEVEL 2 and TOP-RATED.

Now, for better understanding of the above terms, see image below:

These are additional services that are offered alongside the main gig services. They can also be referred to as UPSELLS.

These are service packages in different formats and prices. They are also called Upgrades of fees higher than the default $5. In most cases, the higher the packages, the better the services.

These are formal agreements between a buyer and a seller after a payment has been made for a particular gig.

This refers to the agreeable days of which the order is to be completed.

The image below describes all the terms above. please see it.

These are disagreements between the buyers and sellers about an order. Such disputes is settled between them or reported to fiverr customer support for further deliberations.

These are sellers’ earnings made from purchased orders that is sent to their account balance, paypal or payoneer.

These are various payment platforms that are used to buy gigs services. They include credit cards, paypal, and account balance.

These are platforms that allows for withdrawals of sellers’ earnings. They include fiverr revenue cards, payoneer(bank transfer), paypal, account balance, direct bank deposits(USA only). fees are charged for such withdrawals as shown below:

These are proposed requests made by the seller to the buyer in response to the buyers specific requirements
These are final requests made after discussion between the buyers and sellers for a gig service. This occurs if the buyer wants a special service delivery that is not defined within the gig packages setups.

Below is an example of a CUSTOM ORDER already completed and delivered.

This is a page where buyers and sellers communicate about an order in every details. Such details covers the seller’s requirements, payments made, messages, gig order description, agreed delivery time etc.

(PRO stands for PROfessional) PRO status are status offered to sellers whose services have been verified and vetted as professional services by fiverr editors.

Anyone, be it existing or new sellers, can apply for PRO status.

Move on this later.

According to fiverr, these are features that enable sellers to offer custom services outside of fiverr. But this may be in compliance with terms of services and community standards.

That is all about this terminologies. if any, we will update it.


It is time we move on to the Nitty Gritty of this writeup which is………..


This is the most technical aspect of starting on fiverr.

So you must be very careful to avoid mistakes that may affect you later.

What exactly do i mean?

I mean this; Make sure all your input details are very CORRECT, ACCURATE and VALID in case fiverr needs to verify your identity if any issues arises.


Lets proceed with the registration.


Visit their website by clicking here: FIVERR or by clicking the button link shown below;.

At the topmost right hand side of the website, you will see “JOIN”. Click on it and you shall be taken to the page where you will begin signing up by putting your email address to start with.

See image below


Input your email address.

An activation link would be sent to the email address to prove your are the rightful owner of it.

Yahoo and Gmail platforms are acceptable.


After inputting your email address, you will be taken to this image below, put in your username and password and click “JOIN”

After clicking JOIN, you need to check your email or gmail address to activate your account, so please do so.

In most cases, you will see an “email activation message” on your fiverr site of which you click on “Go to Gmail account” as shown below;


In your gmail account inbox or spam folder, you will see something similar to this below;

Once you are in there, click on “Activate your account” and you will be taken to the fiverr website where you will see a message that says that your account successfully activated as shown in the image below:

Once you see the message “Account successfully activated……….”, then BIG CONGRATULATIONS,

Your Account is 100% READY.

But not so fast!

We are not completely done yet.

Though we are about 70% COMPLETE, some additional details are still required to be filled in.


At this stage, we begin to fill in our additional details such as profile picture, first name, last name, phone number, social accounts, occupation, skills, education etc.

Lets proceed

Now, click on “Become a seller” as shown below

After that, you select the options that appeals to you.

For example, if you want to sell on fiverr, the freelance option is the best for you. Just select the one that appeals to you the most.

Once done, you save changes as shown below:


Here, you put in your profile picture by clicking on the “G” space and uploading the picture from your computer.

NOTE: The picture can be anything, be it your personal pix or avatar or logo or anything else, you are free to. But the picture MUST be exclusively yours to avoid copyright infringement issues or else fiverr will reject it.


Fill in your personal info such as your first name, last name


Describe yourself in the description box as shown below and click “UPDATE” Tell us about


Add your skills, Certificates (if any) and Education qualifications.

Just click “Add New” and add them up.

And also, Select and fill up all your social media accounts e.g. facebook, Twitter, Google, Vimeo etc.


Though your profile settings is not completed yet, you can begin creating your service gig right away from here if you want to and complete filling up your profile settings later.

Fiverr allows you to start creating your gig from here if your profile is about 65% complete as shown below:

Then, Read the information and click continue, continue and continue accordingly as shown below

If you have filled up some of the personal information in the steps above, you will see them here in the image below


ADDITIONAL PERSONAL INFO: If you have not input these in, you get to also do so here as shown below:


This happens to be the last phase of our profile settings where we get to secure our account by adding and verifying our email address and phone number as shown below.

We also get to set up a 2-WAY AUTHENTICATION for stronger security against hackers and fraudsters.


You are NOW 100% QUALIFIED as a member (be it a buyer or seller) on Fiverr FULL TIME.

That is all about creating your account successfully.

If you have any questions, you can reach us in the comments below and we will respond immediately.

But Hey!, dont be in a hurry

Infact, The Main Journey has just began!

It is at this NEXT STAGE that we set up our GIGs to begin trading on fiverr as a SELLER or we begin searching out gigs to place an order on for products and services as a BUYER

So lets roll

RUNNING FIVERR: The Seller Perspective

Coming from the seller’s angle, we will treat on how to set up a gig, a successful one at that.

To recap back, what is a gig?

A gig is a product or service that are offered on sale at a cost on fiverr and they come in various categories as Graphic and Design, DIgital marketing, Writing & translation, Video animation, Lifestyle, Business, Music & Audio etc. and each of these categories comes with sub-categories accordingly.

Some are as listed below;

Graphic & Design

Article writing

Digital marketing


How do we set up these gigs?

The following steps will guide us through.


Go to your dashboard and click “Gigs“.

After that, click on “CREATE A GIG

Once done, you will be taken to this gig setup image shown below;

And gig setup comes in 6 stages : overview, pricing, Description & FAQ, Requirements, Gallery and Publish.

We start with ………………….overview


Gig Title

This is the where you describe the kind of products or service you offer e.g I will design an ebook cover, i will create 250 high quality backlinks, i will do a dance video for your song and so on.

To get the most of this, include your keywords that relates to what you do so as to boost your chances of getting seen and booked by a potential seller.

For example:

if you are a logo designer, while writing your gig title, make use of synonymous keywords such as logo, design, graphics, brand, professional, premium etc.

You can write something like this: I will create a professional logo design for your brand.


Select the categories that falls into the kind of service or product gig you are offering on fiverr.

They can be graphic design (logo design, game design, ecover design, book design, illustration, flyer, poster, cards etc), digital marketing (SEO, social media marketing, SEM, local SEO, surveys etc), lifestyle(gaming, spiritual healing, online lessons, viral videos etc), Video animation (intros, outros, video editing, short video ads, character animation etc) and so on.

If along the line, A GIG METADATA appears, choose the ones most appropriate for you.

See below


These are keywords that relates to your product or service gigs.

For example, if you are a logo designer, your tags are logo, design, graphics, brand, premium etc.

They are maximum of 5

After that, click “SAVE and CONTINUE

That is all for the OVERVIEW Stage

We move to the next stage which is …………


Scoping and Pricing

This is where you will give your single or multiple gig package a name.

And describe briefly what your gig is about.

You also get to select the number of delivery time i.e 1,2,3,4,5 or 30 days time.

You set your price of your gig here; i.e. $5, $10.$20, $50, $100 or $ even $1000. The prices depends on the status level you are.

Note that the MINIMUM is $5.

And for every other details that matters to the type of gig you are setting up, fill in accordingly.

For better understanding, see image below

If you click and activate the 3 packages, you will see something like this

This 3 packages offers you the opportunity to render extra premium services to earn more money. The higher the package, the higher the cost.

See image example below;

As earlier stated and similar to the single package, just select and fill up your details and you are good to go

We move to the last phase which is ………………………

Add Extra (Upsell) Services

This also offers you the opportunity to earn more revenue by offering extra services.

Below is an example of how it looks like for single package (as it relates to logo design)

For 3 packages, it is as shown below

Once you are done, Click “Save and Continue

It is time to move on to the next phase: Description & FAQ (Frequent Answers & Questions)

Description & FAQ

Now, listen!

This is the most important part of this gig setup.

This is where you sell yourself by convincing potential buyers why they should patronize you.

Here, you have to be VERY CREATIVE and SMART in your writing or you lose out.

To get a head-shot,

I will give you some tactics to help you in your gig description to boost your chances of winning customers over;

A. VERY IMPORTANT: Include your gig-related keywords in the 1st 50 words of your gig description. As you can see in the image below,

A graphic designer adds specific keywords in the 1st introductory words of his description: poster, banners, design, flyer, graphics etc.

B. Include a CALL-TO-ACTION message. This is to push potential buyers to click the order button and buy from you right-away

C. Be straight to the point. No beating about the bush. I mean, say what you want to do within the 1st few words of your description.

D. Include everything in true details. Dont neglect any aspect out. Be true as possible.

E. Use colors and Boldings to highlight important areas of your writing.

Frequent Answers and Questions (FAQs)

Below is an example of how it looks like

This phase offers you the opportunity to provide answers to likely questions that your buyer may ask you for clarification purposes.

You can start by clicking the FAQ button as shown below

Once done, click “save and continue”

But note that adding FAQs is NOT COMPULSORY. you can include it if you want it. As i say before, its just for clarification purposes.

That is all for this stage

Lets move on to the NEXT


This is where you state what you want from the buyer to start working on his order. it can be just a text, a file, images etc.

For example, if you are to designing a Poster, Requirements will be to ask the buyer to give you his website (if any), brand name, images etc

After that, click “save and continue” to move on the LAST STAGE: Gallery


This is the 2ND MOST IMPORTANT aspect of your gig.

This involves adding your images, videos, PDFs to describe your gig in a VISUAL form for further, better understanding as shown below;

Now, why i say this aspect is very important is this:

The images are what describes your gig visually.

When a person visits fiverr to search for gigs to order, what catches his attention are the gig images.

So to make this most of this, your image graphics MUST be ATTRACTIVE, COMPELLING and FULLY-DESCRIPTIVE to make the visitor want to check out your gig.

You can add upto 3 images.

Check these 2 images below to see what am talking about

There is absolutely no way a visitor wont be compelled to click and check out those image gigs above.

That is the power of graphics. And also, it summarily describes what the gig is about.

On the Video side, you can create and add a Video advertising your gig.

This helps attract buyers, thus boost sales.

If you wish to add any additional information about your gig to any potential buyers, the PDF file option is there for you.

See image below:


Fiverr stipulates that your uploaded items (images, videos, PDFs) MUST be EXCLUSIVELY your OWN property or else you risk getting your gig rejected/disapproved.

Under no account must you use another person images or videos. BE SERIOUSLY WARNED

Once you have uploaded your items and tick the declaration notice, save and continue.


And finally,


All is left is to bring your gig LIVE by hitting the “PUBLISH” button

Once you do that;


In other words, visitors can now see your gig on fiverr and order from you and you make your money.

How sweet!


Now, what is left is to PROMOTION.

It means sharing your gig on social media accounts, forums, blogs etc to boost online visibility of your gig, thus boosting chances of getting orders from buyers.

Treating PROMOTION is big and a topic entirely on its own.

But we promise to treat it later.


On fiverr, there exist 3 levels as


When a person joins fiverr, he is regarded as a NEW seller with no level yet.

Now, how does he attain a level status?

What steps should he take?

To boost your chances of progressing from level to level, it depends on the following criteria:

1. ON-TIME DELIVERY: this is how fast you deliver your jobs to your buyers.the faster the delivery, the better your chances.
2. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: How fast and well you respond to your customers issues, questions, queries etc. Try your best to satisfy your customers very well positively.
3. EARNINGS: the higher the earnings, the higher the chances of attaining a higher level status
4. ACTIVENESS: You must be logged in and online regularly for specific days(60 days, 120 days and 180 days) to stand a chance of higher level status.
5. WARNINGS and INFRACTIONS: If you can avoid getting penalized for any violation for some specific days, your chances of getting higher status is boosted.


A new seller’s general performance is measured in form of star ratings.

The higher and better the 5 criteria listed above, the higher your ratings and the closer you get to the next level.

This image below is a typical example of a seller overall ratings of 4.9. The highest is 5, while the lowest is 0

He is in level 2 because he has been able to offer faster on-time delivery, respond fast to his customers, always online and active etc.

And these has earned him a overall ratings of 4.9.

Great for him!

He is doing well for himself.


As a new seller on fiverr, despite no level status yet, there are some privileges you enjoy as shown in the image below

Let check out the various levels and their requirements:

Level 1

To attain this level, you MUST meet the following standards alongside its benefits, as shown below according to fiverr:

Level 2


Top rated sellers are elite group of sellers who have exceeded exceptionally and excellently well in their fiverr business in terms of customer support, fast job deliveries, quick positive responses etc.

NOTE that this promotion is done manually (not Automatic) by the fiverr team. when they feel you may have fulfill the requirements, they look into your performance and finally decide if you are qualified for a top-rated level or not

Generally, every 30 days, fiverr team evaluates your performances

And if you meet the desired requirements, you will be promoted to the next level.

It is not going to be easy at all.


You must also abide by fiverr terms of service and community standards to avoid warnings, infractions or even Ban.


While registering as a buyer, you dont have to fill up all your profile settings like a seller.

Once you fill up 65% of it, fiverr allows you to operate comfortably on their website.

And even if you are a seller, you can switch into buying mode by clicking the “switch to buying” as shown below and operating as a buyer.

Now, to search for products or service gigs to purchase, you can make use of the various categories section or use keywords related to what you want.

For example, if you are searching for a logo designer, you can simply click “graphic & design” and click “logo design“, then you can search for your preferred service gig.

You can also use the search box too by typing your keyword e.g logo design and clicking “search” it will take you to a pages showing lots of logo design gigs to choose from.

I hope you understand?

if any issues so far, just drop your comments and i will respond quickly.

Now, back to our subtopic,

Once you have gotten there, you are free to select your choice gig seller based on your status level, star ratings, service description, number of positive reviews etc.


And though you may be tempted to hire a level 2 or even a Top-Rated seller, i will suggest you dont under-rate the lower level sellers for there is a tendency they may offer more better quality service too due to high competition they face and the need to satisfy and gain higher ratings.

But as i said before, the choice is all yours.


Lets review the possible gains of being either a seller or buyer on fiverr:

1. Fiverr offers a Platform to a WIDE range of categories of digital products and services and more are being added constantly on regular basis.

For example, in the digital marketing category, you can see some new features added as shown below

2. It acts as a source of EXTRA income for full-time of part-time jobs. You can decide to go into fiverr Fully or run it alongside your main job and earn extra for yourself.

3. You pay NOTHING to start off on fiverr. Registration is 100% FREE. No hidden charges whatsoever.

4. No country or Number restrictions and limitations. Countless number of persons from any country can operate on fiverr for as long as possible.

5. Fiverr is Known for Quality. You get top quality products and services for as cheap as $5 compared to what big digital agencies charges.

6. Fiverr offers various means to withdraw your earnings (revenue). it can be through bank transfer, PayPal, Payoneer or fiverr revenue card.

7. Fiverr website is very easy to navigate i.e. it is user-friendly. Even an illiterate can operate on fiverr well enough.


1. Competition among sellers is stiff and tough. The number of sellers are very much. Infact, for a new seller, It might be difficult to get buyers for a long time.

This is because most buyers will want to trade with top-rated and level 2 sellers for confidentiality and satisfactory purposes.

For example, As you can see below, over 120,000+ sellers are offering logo designs alone

2. Fiverr charges 20% commission on every order made which is arguably rather high by some persons who see it.

In other words, for example, fiverr collects $1 from $5 order as maintenance fee with the $4 which is your actual earnings from it.

These may be OK with some sellers but some may disagree about the commission being too high.

3. Delayed Customer support: Sometimes, it takes days for their customer support to respond to your issues/queries due to numbers of persons on queue as they claim.

4. 14-Day Cash withdrawal period: It takes 14 days for your earnings to be eligible for withdrawal into your bank account, paypal etc. Waiting for 14 days is rather too much.

5. Lots of Favoritism for buyers: During order disputes, Fiverr favors buyers alot against sellers even if the fault is from the buyers. for example, a buyer can just decides to cancel and ask for refund as doing a tough job for them and fiverr support team does little or nothing on your side.

6. Too Much Strictness: Your fiverr account can get banned permanently for the slightest reasons. So before you begin operation, first of all, read the community standard rules and terms of services. and trade very carefully.

If you are not such of any action whether its legit or not, Do NOT proceed at all. Instead, contact thier support services for more inquires and clarifications.

Thats all to it.

Every online marketing platform has its pros and cons.

But despite all these, to make the most of fiverr, all you need do is to abide by fiverr rules and upscale your gigs to make lots of money for yourself.

No area is perfect.


PRO stands for PROfessional.

This is a feature that offers existing and new professional sellers the opportunity to offer thier services on a special platform made for them only as shown below

You can access the PRO fiverr plaform by clicking on “Fiverr Pro” as shown below

Anyone can apply for it but it is up to the fiverr team to manually evaluate and scrutinize your gigs based on ratings, responses, quality, on-time deliveries etc, to judge if you are qualified as a professional and you can learn more about it here: Discover Fiverr PRO

If you are qualified, you will be moved to the PRO platform

The advantage of been in the professional platform is that it boosts your chances of getting more sales from buyers who seek high quality service and more value for their money.

So whether to apply or not, it is up to you. If you wish to, contact the fiverr support team for a headway.

But note that PRO sellers are evaluated on a regular basis.

So if he falls below quality standard and expectations, fiverr will withdraw the PRO privilege from him.


Ponder a little on the word “Rising talent”

what comes to your mind?

If you deduce that it may somehow has to do with new sellers with potentials of becoming successful in future, then you are very right.

Here is how it operates:

Sellers are not applied to apply for it, instead, Fiverr team searches out for gig manually and if they see any that has the great potentials of high quality and credibility, they will pick and give it the “rising talent” badge.

You do not apply for “rising talent” status

You can learn more about it via this link:

The advantage of this feature is that it boosts your gig exposure, credibility and confidence for the buyers.

So, to boost your chances of getting it, just do the usual: faster buyers’ responses, high ratings, quick on-time deliveries etc but note that it isn’t guaranteed. it all depends on fiverr discretion.

Good Luck to you!


Playing safe is a very crucial part of operating on fiverr.

A lot of sellers have been issued warning and infractions.

Some have had their accounts temporarily and even permanently banned from fiverr.

And it can happen to you. Yes, you.

But hey!

No need to panic.

This section will be on how to play safe to avoid penalties from fiverr team. Though they are much, but i will let you reel out the most important ones.

-FIRST, while opening your account, make sure you upload your very own customized images and videos.
Do not copy images from google or anywhere. you can use your personal image e.g. your face.

There are free software tools you can use to create customized images e.g. photoshop, coreldraw, Pixlr, GIMP etc or you can consult any fiverr seller to design an attractive, eye-catching image for you at a cost.

Same for videos too (if you wish to add it).

-SECOND, All conversations must be within the fiverr platform. Do not give out any contact details e.g. email address, phone numbers, skype IDs, outgoing links, payment IDs etc. Any attempt to do will have your account suspended without warning.
The only link allowed are links to your portfolio sites showcasing your sample works.

-THIRD, Do NOT create MULTIPLE account. Fiverr allows one account per user only.
Don’t try to play smart by creating multiple accounts and using VPNs(different IPs) to access them for fiverr has a strong security system to detect such.
The penalty for multiple accounts is PERMANENT BAN
So be warned.

-FOURTH, Certain Gigs are NOT allowed e.g, sexual, drugs, medical, social followers and likes, terror, fake traffic etc. Such gigs will be denied outright. For more info, visit this link:

-FIFTH, Do not use any threat, abusive, discriminating, insulting, self-promoting, and foul languages during conversations especially when resolving disputes.
Though fiverr encourages us to resolve disputes among ourselves amicably, be civilized. Do NOT hesitate to contact fiverr support if it goes severe.

-SIXTH, If you are not sure of any action or rules, contact fiverr support to seek clarifications. I repeat, contact fiverr support service.
“I DIDNT KNOW”, “I WASNT AWARE” wont save you if your account get suspended or permanently banned.

-SEVENTH, Most important of all, before doing anything on fiverr, go and read through the terms of service, community rules, copyright rules and intellectual property rules etc.

Also read “Privacy policy” too.

You can find them at the bottom of fiverr homepage as shown below;

In conclusion,


Fiverr is very very strict with their rules and ensure 100% total safety compliance from both sellers and buyers.

Any slight diversion can terminate your account permanently.

Operate Carefully with Caution.


Be Warned!

Just play by their rules and you will be just fine.

How To Make Money On Fiverr

It is very simple.

All that is needed is to acquire some tools or have/learn some skills and talents and you are good to go.

For example, if you are very good in making graphic designs using coreldraw or photoshop, you can make money from it.

Even if you are good in dancing, sure you can make money from it too.

Infact, anything you are capable of and very good at can be turned into money.

But despite all these, what fate lies of those who cannot afford tools or have/learn skills due to some reasons?

If you fall among these category of persons, no worries.

There are ideas that you can implement for free without any skills to create gigs and start making money right away.

Without wasting time on this, i have written a full comprehensive content on certain Gig Ideas that you can invest in with zero skills by clicking the link below here:

21 Gig Ideas Without Skills To Make Money Right Away

So even if you are talented or skilled, it is just like an addition for you as well too to make extra money for yourself.


When fiverr was in its early years, competition was less.

Sellers were not as much as it is today, hence they enjoyed the monopoly of having lots of buyers at their beck and call, hence no need for promotion.

But nowadays, things have changed.

Fiverr is popular everywhere, filled with lots of sellers left, right and center. Hence, this has made competition tough.

Due to this, this has necessitated the need for sellers to promote their gigs outside of fiverr.

And even fiverr is aware of this, no wonder they installed these social sharing buttons to enable sellers promote their gigs on social media as shown below;

And at this point, leading up to our first method which is SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTION

Social Media Promotion:

This goes beyond just sharing your gigs online. you can go further by creating social media pages specifically for your gigs and putting in your fiverr gigs links in them and/or you can display your work samples too.

For example, below shows a fiverr seller into whiteboard videos showing his video samples on his youtube page.

You can also search out related facebook groups, join them and be actively involved in any discussions and while at that, you insert your links as references.

These are crucial for social media exposure.

Website Portfolio:

You can create a website or use photo sites (such as flickr, behance etc) to showcase your sample works to potential buyers.

For example, if you are a graphic designer, you can upload your sample designs and share the link in your gig description or outside as shown below:

His portfolio website showcasing his design samples below:

Invest In Advert Spaces

A good place to search out for blogs and forums with vacant ad spaces is BuySell Ads.

Visit the link, select your niche and pick out websites to place your Ads (in form of text links, banners etc) at a cost depending on your budget.

You can also join membership forums (e.g. blackhatworld, warriorplus etc) and put in your signature profile and/or as reference links when commenting positively during discussions.

A typical example of such from blackhatworld forum is as shown below

Text link in your profile settings

OR create your fiverr gig web banner and put it here. If anyone clicks on the banner, it will take the person to your gigs on fiverr

You can contact any fiverr seller to help you create web banners

Create Backlinks For Your Fiverr Gigs

To utilize this very well, go for backlinks on High Authority websites such as TED, MOZILLA, Microsoft, Amazon, DELL etc.

Now, how do we do it?


Google such websites out, create user profile and input your fiverr gig related keywords in the “website name/title” space and your fiverr link in the “website url” space all in your profile settings as shown below:

You can do it yourself or contact fiverr sellers to do it for you.

Backlinks works in driving in traffic and boosting your link up google rankings over time.

Fiverr Gig Keyword Tweak

This has to do with getting on 1st page of fiverr search engine rankings for your keyword.

it is somewhat similar to that of google in the sense that if a visitor input a keyword in fiverr “search” box, your gig will be among those in fiverr search results 1st page.

Now, how do we do this?

Not so difficult.

Here is how below:

Re-edit your gig title and description by adding keywords related to your gig.

First, in your gig title, include most of your keywords there. for example, if you are a graphic designer, input keywords (that related to what you can do) in your gig title,

See image below

Second, include your keywords in the first 50 words of your gig description as shown below

That is all.

As simple as ABC.

Just study the title and description of gigs that are ranking high up in fiverr 1st pages to get some ideas on how they did theirs.

Though this keyword tweak works well, there are other factors that you must consider too.

And they are status levels, ratings and quality of service gig.

For example, if you observe very well, aside the keyword tweak, those sellers that rank high are mostly level 2 and top-rated sellers with good star ratings of 4.9-5.0.

This image below explains for better understanding.

But no-level and level 1 sellers still have a chance as you can see below also.

A level 0 seller by name “messiya99” is also ranking on top 1st page for the same “logo design” keyword beating other top-rated and level 1 and 2 sellers as well.

So don’t give up.

There is hope for level 0 sellers too.

That is all on this.

Buy/Exchange Reviews

Aside the level status, Customers’ reviews are one big factor that compel potential buyers to order your gigs.

For example, A level 1, 2 or top-rated seller is more likely to get orders than a level 0 sellers.

Even most times, due to stiff competition, it takes months for a newbie seller to get his 1st order.

So what do level 0 sellers do to boost their chances?

Buyer exchange Reviews!

Look for fellow sellers or anyone who you buy your gigs and give you positive reviews.

And one good place you can get them is in Facebook groups.

Search out for them and join by typing keywords such as “fiverr promotion, fiverr gigs, fiverr reviews exchange etc.

See image below:

Through these groups, 2 sellers can buy each other’s gigs and give each other positive reviews.

Always Be An Alert On Fiverr

Being alert on fiverr, i mean the following:

1. Response Rate: Respond to notification messages as QUICK as possible to boost your response rate to 100% level
2. On-time Delivery: When you receive an order, dont hesitate a second to start work on your buyer’s job so you can deliver on time.
3. Order completion: Too much cancellation of orders can affect you negatively and bring down your ratings. So do your best to minimize cancellations and deliver more.
Instead you can instruct potential buyers to message you before ordering.

If you are able to keep up their 3 parameters close to 100%, your gigs will be ranked much higher and boost chances of getting promoted to upper levels.

Now, the question is this: how do i get notifications messages from fiverr?

2 stuffs can help you out as follows

a. Fiverr Mobile App
b. Email/Gmail Notification settings

Fiverr Mobile App: This is a user interface application that mimics fiverr website where you can do your normal operations as if you are on computer.

In this case, you need to set up notification settings so you receive alerts on new orders, messages etc direct on your android mobile phone and respond quickly.

To start with, visit google play-store on your phone, search for the fiverr App and install it. After installation, go to the notification settings and configure it to send you alerts automatically

Yahoo Mail/Gmail Notification Settings: If the fiverr App isnt working, this is another good alternative or you can even set up the 2 together.

Just install the Yahoo-mail App from playstore and configure it to notify you of any inbox messages on your mobile and computer desktop.

Do same for Gmail App too.

So finally, I believe these 2 Apps can help you to be online at all times.

And the last but not the least is ……………….

Promote On Online Communities

They are Yahoo Answers, Quora, Reddit, Medium, Answer the Public and HARO.

The key to successful promotion on these content sites is post relevant comments and articles that are useful for readers and online visitors while inputing your fiverr gig link in the process.

For example, lets look at Quora.

Ouora commands a large number of visitors daily so its an opportunity for you to get a taste of them to your fiverr gig.

Now, all you do is this:

Lets say you are a fiverr seller who creates high quality backlinks for websites

Look out for questions or discussions that relates to your gig service and respond with useful comments thus inserting your link which leads back to your fiverr blog or gig.

Reddit: Reddit is a network of over 1 million communities of different interests(called subreddits) with a over 15 Million users.

Statistics has proven this.

So, wont it be sweet to get a slice of them to your fiverr blog or gig?

Look for the subreddit community that matters to you, join and begin commenting on topics and discussions.

For example, if you offer traffic gigs on fiverr, then you can partake in this discussion as shown below and input your fiverr gig link straight away

But be warned!

Reddit dislike promoters with passion. if you want to join them, dont begin posting any direct fiverr gig or affiliate links for traffic.

Instead, engage yourself positively with useful comments and post your fiverr blog link instead. then when they visit your blog, it will lead them straight to your fiverr gig.

Medium: That of medium is simple and straight-forward.
Create a user account profile and post an article on any topic about your niche, inserting a link leading to your fiverr gig or blog. Simple!

For example, A user(shishir204) post an article on fiverr promotion:

and include his link to his fiverr gig as shown below

Check it here to see for yourself:

HARO(Help A Reporter Out): HARO is network community of more than 55,000 bloggers and journalists connecting with over 800,000 sources.

This has to do with connecting with journalist and offering them contents that act as reference in thier publications.
You may not be able to post your direct fiverr link but can do with your fiverr promotion blog.

Summarily, it works as thus: You register as a source as shown below.

While journalists send you email pitches that relates to your niche, you respond with useful content, adding a source link.

Such source link can be your fiverr blog acting as a backlink or source of traffic visitors.

That will be all here.

But to get an extensive view and understanding of these promotional tips and even more, simply click on this tutorial i have made specially for you below HERE; Tip and tricks to promoting your gigs

It discussed extensively on it in addition to more tips and tricks for promotional purposes.

So, if you are interested in making money from fiverr, feel free to clikc on this button link shown below;

CONCLUSION: How To Make Money On Fiverr


Finally! finally!!

We are done with this guide.

But as time goes on, we will continue to upgrade this guide frequently for our visitors with updates if any.

In the early years of fiverr, pioneer sellers capitalize on these early stages to attract lots of buyers to themselves, made lots of money and eventually became Top-Rated Sellers today.

But today, it is now a different ball game.

There are over 500,000 sellers in different categories and this has made the competition VERY FIERCE and TOUGH.
You can go months without receiving any orders at all from buyers.

Rome was not built in a day.

So, to succeed, lots of CONSISTENCY, HANDWORK, SMARTWORK and PERSEVERANCE is demanded of you.
Follow the promotional tips i listed above meticulously.

Read through the tutorial articles on everything about fiverr.

And most importantly, as i have said before, operate within the rules.

Any slight violation can lead to Permanent disqualification from fiverr

Fiverr wont take negligence or ignorance as an excuse

So be very careful.

If you are not sure of anything, contact customer support before taking steps.

I wish you all the best.

Good Luck!

Now, Over to you

Are you planning to set up an account now to start making money on fiverr?

Or are you facing any challenges on fiverr?

Do you have any questions about anything at all?

Feel free to drop your comments, questions, suggestions, criticisms, analysis and advice

I am 100% available to respond to all your comments anytime, anyday.

Thanks for your time, patience, endurance, attention.

Till I see you again in my next post, I remain your friendly neighborhood spiderman.

Oppp! Sorry.

Your friendly neighbourhood online business tutor.


Bye for now.

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