Make Money Online with SeoClerks


Editorial Staff

 There exist numerous online marketplaces where one can make money online from home, but of them all, Seoclerks stands out as the easiest and simplest in terms of

i. understanding  its parameters
ii. account setup
iii. Cash earning and withdrawal etc.

Infact, I have make over $4,600 Dollars ever since i started operating and making income online here, on seoclerks.

As you can see below,

image do NOT lie.


As you can see, i am qualified to teach you how to operate seoclerks and make money online from it successfully.

Hence, without any delay, lets get down to business.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you don’t have much time to read, feel free to click on any of these category of topics that interests you for quick access for it will take you straight to it.


How to make money online from seoclerks

At Seoclerks, you can make money online by offering various kinds of products and services in different categories (depending on your skills and specialization) to various clients.

Such categories include but not limited to the following;

Content Writing
Link Building
Social Networks
Arts and Design
And many more.

To access the website, click here: seoclerks and you will be taken to its homepage as shown below;

Without further time waste, let’s dive into it straight away



 You create an Account by following the steps below;

1. You visit the seoclerks homepage or by clicking this red button link below as shown below and at the top Right corner, you click “join’’.  


  Once done, you will be taken to the webpage below

a. At the left side, fill in all the parameters shown; full name, email, password, your skills, username etc and mark all the ‘markables’ and click Register.

b. Once done, you will be asked to verify your email address. Just verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to you in your mail inbox.

c. Now your account is set. To enjoy the full functionality of your account, you might need to fill in other parameters such as settings, additional info, payment details, security etc.

To achieve this, login to your account, then at the top right side of your screen, hover your mouse pointer on your account pix, a dropdown menu appears showing this; username, add funds, shopping, your favorites, public profiles, settings, security, logout, etc.

It is through this menu that you get to verify your phone number, physical address, security question and answer, secondary password, etc.

Once you have done all these things successfully, your account is fully ready for purchase or sale of products and/or services, depending on whether you are a buyer or seller.



You begin to market your products and services by creating a gig.


At the top center of your homepage, you see Home, community, buyer, seller, inbox.

Hover your pointer on ‘’sell’’, a dropdown menu appears, go to ‘’sell’’, a sub-menu appears showing 2 options; sell a service and sell a software.

Click on the ‘’sell a service’’ option.

You will see a webpage like this below;

Fill out all these requirements under


As you fill up these requirements, take note of the instructions at the right side and follow them accordingly to increase your chances of approval of your gig by the staff.


Under this, we have;

Title: keep it short and eye-catching

Category: Make sure you choose the right category for your gig. For example, if you are offering logo design services, your category falls in graphic design

Tag: tags are important because it is through them that your gig is searched out by potential clients. Create as many related tags as possible

Image and video: put images (in jpeg, png) that describes your gig. You can add work samples and image portfolios to show and convince potential buyers. A good trick is to add Video to engage buyers to order from you.


Offer a very moderate price to avoid scaring away buyers. Remember that you are competing among other sellers too so be modest with your prices.

If you are offering extra service, the price must be lower than the original price.

You can choose the options of offering discounts in terms of coupons, service on sale for limited time at lower cost.

You can offer percentage guarantee (%) to boost confidence about your gigs.


This comprises the body of the gig.

This is where you state your dos and don’ts. Here, you convince your buyers of good quality value and win them over to your side if you offer a good job.

Be as very convincing as possible.

Include samples, portfolios and if possible videos.



This is the final point of your gig setup. This point tells if you have filled all the required fields successfully or not.

If so, the Preview and Submit Button will be highlighted, if not, they won’t.

If the buttons aren’t highlighted, the reasons are displayed for you to see and correct accordingly.

Conclusively, on the creation of a new Gig, once everything is successful, your Gig is placed under review by the administrators and once it is approved, your Gig comes Live.

At this Juncture, it is time to smile to the bank.

But we arent done yet.

But before we continue, for those who might have some difficulty setting up a service gig, this video below might be of help for better understanding.

Thanks to sharowar alom



To make cash for real, creating services isn’t just enough. You need to expose (promote) your service to potential clients and there exist different features to achieve it as follows;

i. Feature
ii. Category feature
iii. Highlight
iv. Boost service

To make use of any of these features, hover your pointer on ‘’SELLER’’ to ‘’Manage’’ then click ‘’My Services’’.

You will be taken to a webpage as shown below;

Towards the right side of the gig, click on the 3 dotted vertical line and select your choice.

Category feature

Offers you the opportunity to put your service up in its category listings.

Your service will be at the top of the specific category you choose.

This is like the permanent feature but this is for categories alone.

Please note that bumps, free or paid, will never put your service above a featured one. Your service will be shown below featured ones but you’ll still get lots of exposure using them, so do it!

Besides these features you’ll obviously enter keywords when you create your service so using great and correct keywords makes it easier to find your service when searching.

You’ll also choose the category so make sure you put your service into the most proper one.

For example, say your service is in the graphic design category, it comes out tops among other graphic sellers services when a visitor searches through

It is NOT FREE though. It costs $50 per month.

HighLight Feature

This shades your Gig to make it appear unique and eye-catching from other competition gigs. It costs $19 per month.

As you can see in the diagram below, that gig is shaded in greyish-light color


This will permanently feature your service on frontpage for one month. It costs a whopping $1000.

This diagram below shows Gigs that are featured at the top of the frontpage and identified with feature tags


This involves bumping your service to the frontpage for some time for more exposure.

It comes in 2 ways; free and paid bumps.

Paid bumps come in $3, $5 and $8 while free bumps are earned when you perform some special duties on seoclerks site.

Below shows the different tasks that you MUST DO to earn FREE bumps for yourself.


On seoclerks, there exist different user-levels for all sellers and are listed as below;

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level x

Each level comes with its own advantages and benefits as a seller progresses from levels up.

It all depends on how serious and dedicated the seller is, in terms of, response time to buyers, contribution to the community forum, duration, deliveries etc.

Level 1:

All new sellers start at this level.

No requirements is needed to get to this level as it is automatic, though there are limitations as shown in the diagram below;

Level 2

As shown in the diagram below,

There are requirements for this as it shows the seller is becoming more serious about making money and good reputation.

Level 3, 4 and 5

The conditions to attain these levels become more stringent though with more benefits as shown in the diagrams below.

It is at this point that a seller can get ‘’double promotion’’ to level X if he/she performs exceedingly well as a seller i.e

i. Delivers clients job on time
ii. Responds to messages promptly
iii. Contribute positively in community forum
iv. Offers great customer support
v. Has social media pages advertising seoclerks
vi. Is on level 3 and above
vii. Is an affiliate and many more.

Level X sellers are manually picked by the administrators; hence you must be noticed by the staff before you can be recommended.

Level x comes with exceptional, amazing benefits as shown in the diagram below;


Seoclerks offers sellers the opportunity to withdraw their hard-earned cash and it comes under different payment platforms as shown below:

Bank Account (Hyperwallet/paylution ID)

In your account settings, it is where you input your preferred payment options of which you wish to withdraw to.

First of all, you register and open a paypal account here by signing up here; then you input your paypal email in your seoclerks account settings.

As for your bank account, you create an account by signing up here; 

Fill up everything and you will be given a hyperwallet/paylution ID which you will input in your seller account setting.

Any withdrawal made goes straight to your bank account

As for payoneer, just setup an account by signing up here: Payoneer or click on this button link below.

You will be given a payoneer ID which you will input in your settings just like others.

Any payment you withdraw goes straight to your payoneer account balance.


All sellers are strongly advised to go through the listing guidelines, rules, regulations etc. to avoid their accounts been suspended, demoted from one level to another, or even ban/deleted.

Few of them are as listed below:

i. Do not create multiple accounts
ii. Do not copy other sellers description and images while creating your gig
iii. Misleading, false content is prohibited
iv. Methods that violate seoclerks terms of service is prohibited
v. No blackhat practices

More of these can be accessed via this link:

NOTE: As a seller, make sure you follow these rules meticulously and any violation of its rules will result in infraction or ban.

………….Ignorance is no defence here…………



Provide high quality services. Customers always want good value for their money spent, so do your best to offer services of good quality. This will make them come back for more hence more money.

Deliver your services in time. If you promise to deliver a job within 3 days, make sure it doesn’t exceed that, so you have a good response time. Let your 3 days be 3 days or less.

Cancel orders instead of getting negative feedbacks. As a seller, one thing you must avoid like a plague is Negative Feedback because it drives away potential clients, create bad reputation and downgrade your account.

Refund clients instead of getting negative feedbacks. Losing some few dollars is better off than losing honor and prestige among your competitor sellers.

Contribute in the Forum. (Share your knowledge, create tutorials, be active). Most sellers think seoclerks business is just about sales and profit. NO! It goes beyond that. Infact for you to achieve level X, you have to be very active in the forum

Answer questions within their FAQ section. Use your experience to be of great help to other users as well, just as how you found help before when you newly started. The administrators are taking note of these secretly especially when it comes to levelling up a seller.

Most people seems to believe it’s all about sales and ratings which is false.

There’s several sellers on SEOClerks who’s having 1,000+ positive feedbacks who’s still a user level 3 or 4.. Level X is something unique, which is the best part of it.

With these guidelines you’ll be able to reach it as long as you do the necessary steps, and if you add some extras to it.

What to know about competition in Seoclerks

Yes, it might be hard to be successful quick if there are lots of competitors who are providing the similar services as you, though competition is great.

First of all, as a seller, browse your competitors’ services. See their descriptions and try to find a connection between them having lots of orders in queue and others who don’t.

You’ll probably see a handful of really successful sellers whilst you’ll see hundreds of more “unlucky” ones, with fewer sales.

Do some research.

Try to find that special thing that makes them successful.

How do they present their services?

What are their titles?

Do they use any specific CTA (call-to-action)?

Do they offer more than others?

Or Less?

Do they provide better or higher quality?

What exactly make them so special?

Well, you name it.

Focus on finding some answers which is a FACT and not something you take for granted to start with.

Something like; “they’ve been a member for 1 year more than me”. That’s NOT the specific reason. Pardon me for saying it, but that’s just a lame excuse.

Of course they have a higher chance to make more sales than you if they’ve been a member for so many more months or years.

You’ll have to do more than that.

Find something of value.

Something you can take advantage of.

And when you do,

Beat them!

Deliver more. Deliver better quality.

Do everything you can do better than others.

That’s how winning is done.

That’s what’s going to get you that breakthrough moment and that’s what’s gonna give you recurring customers.

Recurring customers is vital for huge success and profit. And that’s what we’re aiming for here!


1. Start with 2 for 1 sale to lure customers to your side.
For example while your competitors are offering 3000 followers for $5, you can start by offering 5000 for $4 but be smart about it though.
Your Aim here is to get positive response feedbacks for your new gig. Once you have gotten enough, you can revert to the status quo or continue the same if you wish to.

2. Offer FREE BONUSES alongside your final order delivery to your buyers. This will make them extremely more happy to give you a positive review feedback and a thumbs up.
You can even indicate in your gig name and description that you are giving out Amazing Bonuses to first-time buyers just to lure them as shown below;

3. Offer services that stands out from other common ones i.e. a service that is 100% UNIQUE.
This wont be easy but if you carry out intensive research and deep thinking, who know! you can come up with one.
But while at it, make sure it falls within the categories that seoclerks offers.

4. Promote your service gigs in relevant online communities and forums.
Participate actively in reddit, quora, yahoo answers, medium, facebook, twitter etc, respond to discussions and input your gig links in your comments as reference.

These sites holds a large volume of traffic visitors daily, so wont it be nice if you get some chunk of such traffic visitors from them to your gig?

But one obstacle to this might be that some of these sites may prohibit links from seoclerks.

But one way to circumvent this is by creating a promotional blog and inputting its link instead of your seoclerks links which leads us to step 5 which is ………………….

5. Create A Portfolios Blog: Some forums do not permit promotional links so why not consider creating a blog showing your portfolios or samples and promote it instead.
This limit your chances of violating any rules but help in promoting your gigs further all over the internet without any fear.

There exist many good web hosting companies that offer cheap hosting services but BlueHost stands out of them all in terms of excellent customer service, cheap web-hosting, add-ons, affordable domain names etc.

It is what i use personally to host this site where you are reading this article. BlueHost sign-up
You can get it a try too!

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Honestly, this is an underrated but highly effective way of boosting your chances of getting more orders from buyers.

And Here Are Few Good Quotes About Passion

• “Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and make sacrifice, and, above all, don’t let anyone limit your dreams. By: Donovan Bailey”

• “The road to success is not easy to navigate, but with hard work, drive and passion, it’s possible to achieve the American dream. By: Tommy Hilfiger”

• “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. By: Oprah Winfrey”

Why do I share this..?

– Because you need to work hard yourself. You will never find someone who’ll hand you their “golden secrets” for free no matter how much you beg.

As you can see in the above quotes, they’re all about passion. So, find your passion and work hard.

That’s how you can succeed.

We stop here for now

If any changes are made, we promise to update this post accordingly.

Just be on the watch out.

CONCLUSION: Make Money Online with SeoClerks

So, if you wish to start utilizing the power of internet by making money online with seoclerks either as a seller or an affiliate, feel free to click on this red button link below to get started;

I will you all the very best.

If you are stuck while creating your account, just reach out to me in the comment section below.

.…….Now Here is the Next Step……….

The ball is in your court now

What do you intend to do now.

Are you creating a seller account to start earning cash right away?
Are you creating a buyer account?
Are you planning to become an Affiliate?
Do you have any comments, suggestions, recommendations, advice etc?

I am 100% available to reply to your comments one-by-one.

Thanks for your time, patience, endurance, attention.

Till I see you again in my next post, I remain your friendly-neighbourhood spiderman.

Oppp! Sorry.

Your friendly-neighbourhood marketing tutor.


See you at the top

Bye for now.

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