8 Steps to Affordable Search Engine Rankings to First Page


Editorial Staff

Just as the sky is so wide to accommodate all birds so is every website either old or new with the ability to attain affordable search engine rankings no matter the niche.

Good news right?


But it is not about getting search engine rankings on just any page but being on the first page of it because 90% of traffic visitors assess search results on first page ONLY.

Now, the honest truth is that it takes time getting new websites on first page of search engine especially while competing for most-sought-after keywords.

Hence, in this writeup, we will show you steps on how to get affordable search engine rankings to google first page and get lots of visitors traffic for your new website within the shortest possible time.

So lets set the ball rolling.

SPECIAL NOTICE: If you don’t have much time to read, feel free to click on any of these category topics that interests you for quick access.

STEPS: Affordable Search Engine Rankings to First Page

Find Easy-To-Rank Topics

Take a look at these google search results below;

If you observe critically, you will notice that the Google search result webpages are ranking on first page for the keyword “cheapest seo services” which is a long tail keyword.

And the webpages are of low Domain Authorities(DA) which are 38, 20 and, 27.

Lets check out this second below;

This second image shows webpages of DAs of 33, 41, 27 and 19 ranking on first page for keyword “business ideas without investment” which is a long-tail keyword

So what can we deduce from these 2 little experiments above?

  • Simply go for LONG-TAIL keywords.

And make use of such keywords to create topics that you can rank easily for your blog contents

So what are these keywords about?

They are keywords consisting of 3 or more words of which they are of low search volume, less competitive but has high conversion.

How do you find such type of keywords?

There are several free and paid keyword research tools you can use for finding such keywords.

They are Ahrefs keyword explorer, Semrush, Google keyword planner, KWFinder, keywordtool.io, keywordeverywhere etc of which I personally make use of Semrush tool.

So how do we use this tool to find these long tail keywords?

  • STEP 1

a. Visit Semrush website and create an account by clicking the signup button and inputting your email address and password OR you can use your google account to create it.

  • STEP 2

After creating your account and login into your account, you will be taken straight to the semrush tool as shown below where you can access the keyword section by clicking the “keyword overview” to get stated.

After that, input your general keyword in the keyword overview space as shown.

For example, i use “boost fertility” as my general keyword which has a keyword difficulty of 64% and 2.6K search volume globally.

  • STEP 3

After inputting your general keyword, you scroll down to the section containing the following;

  1. keyword variations,
  2. Questions
  3. Related keywords

And view thier corresponding keywords under them.

In addition, you can even view more keywords by clicking the “view all xxxx keywords” to see thousands of them to choose from.

As you can also see from this image above, we have even spotted a long tail keyword that you can use as a topic right-away; “How to boost fertility in your 30s” with a low keyword difficulty of 28% and 1.3K volume.

Isn’t that sweet?

Lets continue to the next.

Don’t Compete With The Big Boys

Big boys???

Hmmm,….who am i referring to?

How do we recognize them easily?

Let me put it this way for better understanding.

Lets look at a particular niche: Health and access some keywords(just 3) that relates to it(health) generally in its google search results.

– FIRST KEYWORD: How to lose weight fast

-SECOND KEYWORD: How to boost fertility in men

Lets check out the third keyword.

THIRD KEYWORD: Dealing with constipation during pregnancy

Now, what do you observe from these search results from these 3 keywords?

Do you notice anything similar or different?

Without wasting time, lets check out our observations

First, they are the same websites(healthline and medicalnewstoday)

Secondly, they are of very High Domain Authority(healthline=89, medicalnewstoday=91).

Third, they are always on google first page.

This simply tells us they are high authoritative and trusted websites ranking for almost every keyword in the health niche.

These are the websites that we refer to as the “Big Boys

So, generally speaking, while doing your keyword research, avoid competing with websites(the big boys) that are ranking for almost all highly competitive keywords in your chosen niche because it will be almost impossible to outrank them even if they have no backlinks.

These are websites that google trust to the bone.

WHAT TO DO: So instead, go for keywords that are not largely dominated by the big boys and you stand a good chance of getting an affordable search engine ranking on first page for such keywords as early as possible.

Buy backlinks

Yes, you heard me right.

Buy backlinks.


I understand because Google and other top SEO experts have recommended that your website can get penalized when you go buy backlinks rather than create them naturally and i completely agree.

Then why am i recommending you buy backlinks?


Backlinks are HARD to get naturally these days.

As days passes on, high authority websites “tightens security” on new bloggers and internet marketers who are looking for where to acquire backlinks for their blogs.

For example, if you want to acquire backlinks via guest-posting, some high domain websites no longer accept it.

while others even state it clearly that you have to wait for days after submission due to high number of guest post applications they receive everyday.

Aside guest posting, other means of creating backlinks are not easy, some methods overused while some consumes time to implement.

For example, if you want to get backlinks naturally by creating high quality content, you need to promote such content heavily first.

OR if you use broken link building or brand mention method, you need to do email outreach(send emails) which might takes days for them to reply.

Some don’t reply at all.

All these maybe not their fault because they get large number of email messages everyday.


High Domain Authority(DA) Homepage Backlinks works.

These form of backlinks, when purchased, works almost perfectly in building up your website domain authority and it comes in moderate numbers(which is google-friendly).

It is simply by targeting high domain authority and trusted websites, registering a user profile accounts on them and while doing so, inputting your website/webpage link to form a backlink.

Such high DA sites are HP, Vimeo, DELL, Microsoft, gravatar, issuu, Zotero, amazon, WordPress and many others.

Infact, if you wish to create such backlinks by yourself, i have put up a very comprehensive step-by-step tutorial on how to create such backlinks from them

But if you want to outsource it out to others to create them for you, there are several freelance websites where you can buy such backlinks services of which a very good place is Fiverr freelance Marketplace.

To access them, this link: High DA backlinks from fiverr, offers you various freelance sellers to choose from.

If you are new to fiverr and want to learn more, this article: Learn about fiverr, teaches you everything about it.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: In buying backlinks, THE TRICK is THIS: Avoid services that offers backlinks in thier thousands or millions.

The implication is that Google will suspect strongly you as spam and penalize(ban) your website from its search engines.

I am sure you wont want that to happen.

Infact, to be on the safe side, request that the number of your backlinks be less than 50 (atleast for a start).


Furnish Your Contents With Visuals and Graphics

Nothing aids understanding of a content more better than images, visuals and illustrations.

Infact, as traffic visitors understand and engages every details of your content, the more the dwell(time on page) time and the lower the bounce rate.

And because bounce rate(aside other factors) is an important google ranking factor, it helps boosts your google search rankings up first page.

No wonder brain dean of backlinko ranks for almost every highly competitive keywords in the SEO niche because he garnishes his contents with lots of image illustrations.

A good example is the highly competitive keyword: “Bounce rate” which he is ranking on google first page even way higher than “almighty” Wikipedia and other strong competitors.

Have a glimpse of part of his webpage on the bounce rate topic image below;

You can see that there are illustrative images and screenshots almost after every 1 or 2 sentences to buttress his points to his readers.

So tell me, why won’t he rank on the first page of google?

WHAT TO DO: Copy what he did. Add images, screenshots, infographics and videos while you write your content webpage and make sure it corresponds(explains better) with every points you are trying to pass across.

If you can use graphic tools such as Adobe photoshop, corel draw, adobe illustrator etc, you are good to go.

If not, there are online tools like Canva, easely, crello, freepik etc. that can help you out of which my favorite which i use is CANVA for several favorable reasons.

Click this button link below to have access(Canva);

Sites where you can get freestock images, royalty-free images, videos etc that are all free for you to use are pexels, pixabay and unsplash sites.

You can embed youtube videos as well(provided you link back to it).

Conduct Your Own Personal Research and Case Studies

If you conduct a google search and go through its search results pages, you will notice that they almost all contain articles that are the same.

-The same points
– the same steps
– the same opinion

Nothing but regurgitated contents.

No wonder over 90% of websites are not on first page of google.

But if you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to be unique and distinctive. i mean bringing something new to the table.


Be the Original Source of a proven findings, research and experiment.

And through it, bloggers, reporters and marketers will link to you as source thus earning you quality backlinks and boosting your search rankings up google page.

This is the strategy that Brain Dean of backlinko used when he conducted a link building case study called the Skyscraper Technique and launched it online after proving that it works.

And he uses this skyscraper technique strategy to rank in lots of backlinks for his content topics.

Below is just one of his content: https://backlinko.com/seo-tools in which he applied the technique.

Aside this, Hubspot, another high DA site, conducted their own numerous personal research study on customer acquisition and draw up conclusions around it.

And because they(hudspot) were the go-to source for anything on customer acquisition, they rank on the top 1st position on google first search results page as you can see below;

WHAT TO DO: In whatever niche you are, look around very critically, conduct your own personal research and case studies where necessary and come up with facts, proven figures and statistics.

Participate Actively In Online Communities

There is a popular saying that goes thus;

“Out of sight is out of mind”

If you publish a content and expect online visitors to magically locate your content, what you will get is this;

Crickets “noise

So what do you do?

You need to reach out to them; where they hang out in large numbers and participate actively in topics that relates to your niche.

And places where you can locate them are online communities and social media such as Quora, Reddit, forums, medium, twitter, buzzfeed, business2community, LinkedIn etc.

This is one strategy that even seo experts and online marketers use to acquire backlinks, drive lots of traffic and gain affordable search engine rankings for first page. I mean lets check out some of them below;

Here is Neil patel on quora below;

Here is Anil Agarwal of bloggerspassion on Quora also;

Here is Brain dean on linkedln;

Below is Ahrefs participation by tim soulo on Reddit;

If you observe very well, they don’t just participate ordinarily but do so very ACTIVELY.

WHAT TO DO: So what else do i say? Just go do the same(take part in them actively).

Capitalize On Your Competitors’ Strategies and Loopholes

Lets carry out this little experiment to demonstrates this;

Take a look at this google first page search results for keyword: “meaning of serp in seo

This search result webpage: techtarget.com occupies 4th position as you can see below.

If you open the webpage, you will see that it contains only 717 words as shown below.

No images, no screenshots, no videos, no illustrations, nothing at all(as at the time of posting this).

Now, despite the fact that google favors long-form contents, then ask yourself, why is it ranking on the first page?

Look around at the first image(google search result page) and guess why?

Any clue?

Any answer?

It is simply because of its HIGH Domain Authority which is 91 out of 100.

Really massive.

So, back to its content structure(717 words, no videos, no images, no screenshots, no illustrations etc.).

Do you know you can capitalize on this loophole(its content structure) and rank on the first page?


By carrying out these 2 strategies;

  1. Increase your domain authority as high as possible.
  2. Write a well detailed content(atleast 2000 words). Include sub-headers(H1, H2 headers), videos, images and visuals where necessary to buttress your points for easy understanding.

That is all.

If Google can favor such content on first page, then, aside other factors being favorable, you stand a very great chance of ranking on first page if you produce something better.

It is just a matter of time.

WHAT TO DO: Whichever niche you belong, do a thorough research on your competitors and their strategies they use to rank, then copy such and implement them on your own site.

If possible, look out for flaws and exploit them to your advantage.

Exercise Patience

SEO is a long-term process.

Infact, a general research study conducted by Ahrefs has proven that it takes about 1 year for all its studied webpages to rank on Top10 for 1 or more keywords(irrespective of its competitiveness and search volume).

But does it mean that you have to wait for almost a year before you can be on first page?

This is where long-tail keywords come into play.

Note that long-tail keywords are made up of 3 or more keywords of low search volume(traffic) and high conversion rate.

So, when a further research was conducted using all forms of keywords in terms of thier search volume, this graph below spells out the results

courtesy of Ahrefs

As you can see, we can draw out these conclusions that;

  1. 50.3% of webpages targeting low-volume long-tail keywords can rank on google first page within 61-121 days(that is about 3-4 months).
  2. 25.6% of webpages also targeting same type of keywords can rank on first page within a time-frame of 122-182 days(about 4-6 months)

So what does this tells us?

It means you don’t have to wait for a whole year to rank.

Good news!

WHAT TO DO: As i have explained in the first step(find easy-to-rank topics), simply go for long-tail keywords and you are good to go.

And as your website gains traction(in terms of organic traffic visitors and domain authority), you can begin targeting medium and high volume keywords.

CONCLUSION: Steps to affordable search engine rankings to first page

There maybe more steps that can enable you get affordable search engine rankings to first page.

But i believe that these few tips are what you can start with especially if you are running a new website with the hope to rank.

But i want you to take something from me as i draw the curtain on this topic;


  • First, Just as i have said before; SEO is a long term process and takes serious work to execute.
    In other words, you need to continue to carry out these steps continually especially the 6th step(which is “participate actively on online communities“) for you to achieve results.
    it is through this method that you draw more eyes and expose your website to the online world, thus promoting it.
  • Second, you don’t have to carry out all these steps at once to achieve desired results. If you are very proficient at one, two or any of them, go with it.
  • Third, These steps does NOT guarantee that you will rank on the first page in no time even if you are gunning for long-tail keywords.

    There are way other factors that comes into play when trying to rank. Factors such as user-experience, website speed, website architecture, search intent, internal linking, content quality etc. need to be taken into consideration.

Now, over to you

which of these steps are you trying out?

Or are you going for all of them?

Or do you have any questions about anything related to this topic at all: steps to affordable search engine rankings to first page?

Feel free to drop your comments, questions, suggestions, criticisms, analysis and advice

I am 100% available to respond to your comments anytime, anyday.

Thanks for your time, patience, endurance and attention.

Till I see you again in my next post, I remain your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.

Oppp! Sorry.

Your friendly neighborhood SEO and online wealth tutor.


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