Is Buying Backlinks That Bad As Claimed?(Must-Read)


Editorial Staff

Is buying backlinks truly that bad or safe?

Or is it just a hoax put out by google webmasters to make bloggers work hard to earn backlinks?

If it is that bad as widely claimed, what makes it so?

In this article, we will analyze it critically and come up with our findings to disapprove or endorse this claim: buying of backlinks.

Without time delay,

Let go,

SPECIAL NOTICE: If you don’t have much time to read, feel free to click on any of these category of topics that interests you for quick access for it will take you straight to it.


What Are Backlinks

Before we begin,

For those who are just hearing the word “BackLinks

In layman terms, a backlink is a link that connects to another website or webpage from a website or webpage.

An example is as shown below:

See a Live practical example below;

There are 2 types of backlinks:

external backlinks: it connects to another different website entirely
Internal backlinks: it connects to another webpage of that same website.

For more info about backlinks and how to create one, i have put up this amazing article for you here: How To Create High Quality Backlinks That Works

Now, Lets get back to our main topic.

Is buying of backlinks that bad?

Is buying of backlinks that bad as claimed all over the internet?


It depends.

But no matter the conclusion we draw from it- whether in support or against, the big G himself- GOOGLE has its own opinion decision on it.

Here is what Google has to say about it below;

As you can see above, Google is NOT in support of buying backlinks.

Good news?
Bad news?


But since the almighty Google has said it is not in support, then who are we to object?

Lets close the topic and browse something else to save data.

But hey,

Not so fast.

There is a way out.

Trust me when i say so.



But do you know what this means to you?

It means you have to make sacrifices by carrying out research, making out time and resources to build such backlinks by yourself for your website.

Infact, you can check out the article link i posted above or this one here:
14 amazing ways to get High Quality Backlinks for high traffic and Google rankings (with proofs)

Trust me, you will love it (for those who wants to go the way of building backlinks yourself).

And this is the type of backlink building that Google loves and cradles like a baby.

But as i said above, it comes with sacrifices in which it is very time-consuming, very stressful and tedious.

Just as nothing sweet in life comes easy.

But are you ready to go through such?

If so, Good!

But must you go through such stress to build backlinks when you can get them easily and effortlessly through other means.

And not just any kind of backlinks but High Quality Ones for that matter.

But lets slow down a bit before i spill it out completely.

It is at this point we need to know what it is called “High Domain Backlinks”(which translates to high quality backlinks).

What exactly do we mean by “High Domain” in backlinks?

In the world of SEO, Domain Authority (DA) refers to as metric used by MOZ to measure the Authority of a website or webpage.

In other words, it tells how strong or weak a website is. For example, a website of Domain Authority of 85 is stronger than that of 30.

And Google shows more favor and relevance to website of Higher Domain Authority than the lower ones.

So what does it now tells us?

It tells us that if we get our backlinks on high DA websites, they will come out powerful and Google will rank it higher in its search results as compared to ones that emerges from low DA sites.

And it is this very factor (Domain Authority) we look out for when building or buying backlinks.

And can we build backlinks as well?

The Answer is YES! YES!! YES!!!

But you might ask; what about what Google says?

What if Google finds out and penalizes out website?

The truth is that there are google webmaster rules to this and if you play by them, Google will NEVER find out nor penalize you.

Here are some of the important rules below;

— Do NOT Spam: Do not create unnecessary backlinks from random sources such as directories, forum postings, blog comments, bookmarking etc
— Target High Domain (DA) websites. Make sure go for sites with reasonable DA. A link from a high DA site is better than one from low DA site.
— Avoid posting links excessively which otherwise know as keyword stuffing.
— Avoid Automated programs or software because they are bots that do not follow
—  Keyword-rich, hidden or low-quality links embedded in widgets that are distributed across various sites.
— Article marketing links in form of guest-posting though this still works out.

If these rules are followed in the process of buying backlinks, you are 100% good to go.

Infact, there is absolutely no way google will suspect that you purchase backlinks.

Afterall, the last time i checked, Google staff are NOT Magicians. winks


Now, back to the buying of backlinks,

there are several places which i have confirmed myself, where you can buy High Domain Authority backlinks without facing any risk of google penalty.

But these four places are the safest of them all where you can buy backlinks with ease and get delivered right on time.

And they are as follows below:

— Fiverr Freelance Site
— SEOeStore Services
—  FatJoe SEO services
Seoclerks Services

Lets check them out one by one below;

Fiverr Freelance Site

Fiverr is unarguably the No 1 freelance site where freelancers (sellers) offer products and services online in various categories (graphics, link-building, article writing, business, web design, lifestyle, programming, video etc) for business transactions.

You can buy backlinks from sellers that trades on this fiverr website.

But NOTE THIS: Make sure you avoid sellers that tend to offer thousands of backlinks. instead go for sellers that offer limited backlinks with high domain authorities. Very important!

The sellers you should go for are those that offer low number of backlinks with high domain authority (DA) because relevance of backlinks lies in Quality (DA) NOT Quantity (numbers).

To search them out, go to Fiverr Homepage and type this: “High domain authority backlinks” in the search space as shown below;

Once you click “search”, you will something like this below;

And also this too;

As you can see above, these sellers explicitly state that they offer high Domain authority backlinks (check those words squared in RED color) and these are the sellers you should buy from.

They are also true to thier words as i have patronized thier services for my website of which you are reading this article from.

To prove that i am not lying, below is a typical example of a similar service that i ordered some months ago

PLEASE NOTE: Not all services offered on fiverr are good for your website. Avoid those kind of sellers that offer thousands or millions of backlinks as shown below;

These set of backlinks are low quality, spammy links that will do you no good at all and if you choose to go ahead and use them, Google will kick off your site completely from its ranks forever.

I am sure you wont want that to happen to you.

So avoid them like a plague.

Interested in using fiverr to create your backlinks?, feel free to click this button link shown below;

Lets check out the second which is “seoestore services

SEOestore Services

This is an SEO company that deals specially on creation of SEO backlinks and its affiliated campaigns of which you can take a look at here: SEOestore SEO Services

This video below can tell us something about seoestore for better understanding.

Let's watch below;

They offer seo backlinks in different forms such as

— SEO Campaigns
 — Link pyramids
Drip feed

and are explained as you can see in the image below;

To begin with, you click “New order” followed by “Backlinks” as shown below;

And one sweetest thing i love about seoestore is that they offer their backlinks services at very cheap, affordable costs and they deliver results very fast.

This is one unique feature i love about them.

For example, as you can see below, a backlinks of DA 70+ costs $0.25 only.

Meaning if you want to buy 10 DA70+ backlinks, it goes for 10 X $0.25 = $2.5.

And getting just a few high DA backlinks is stronger than thousands of low DAs for your site.

And it is even not advisable to go for plenty backlinks at a go, be it high DA or Low DA, because it will make your site suspicious before google eyes and may demote your site.

Be very careful.

So, if you want to create backlinks, spread it over a period of time, say 3 months, 6 months or 1 year.

This is what is called Drip Feed.

If you are low on budget and want fast service delivery, then the best place to visit is SEOestore Backlink Services Or you can click on this button link below to get started;

FatJoe Services

FatJoe is one of the largest SEO company founded in 2012 with a staff strength of over 100 members as a team specifically set up for SEO agencies and firms to help carry out SEO services on their behalf and that of their clients.

For a general understanding of what fatjoe is all about, this youtube video by fatjoe itself will do some justice to it.

Let's watch below;

Their Jobs broadens on 2 major topics such as

1. Link Building
2. Content Creation

They deal specifically on these SEO services such as

Let me explain some of them briefly so you can have a slight knowledge of what they meant.

Blogger Outreach

This deals with content syndication where your content is republished to other websites of high domain authority and much larger audience.

This helps creates backlinks, more engagement traffic and boost your brand awareness in the public space.

Press Release Distribution

We will write a perfect press release and distribute across 100,000+ journalists and 3500 news outlets for wider coverage and more visitors traffic.

Your press release will be well-formatted, news-worthy and attractive enough to drive attention of readers to your site.

Content writing

Fatjoe service parades seasoned writers with years of experience who will craft out a high-professional, SEO optimized article capable of getting traffic and higher google rankings.

Infographic Outreach

This exposes your infographic by getting it published on other websites with a link back to your website.

Through this, you can drive lots of traffic to your website from outside sources.

Niche Edits Service

Just like broken link building, fatjoe will scout the website for blog post opportunities and contact the website owners for negotiation towards adding value to thier posts. by adding additional content and/or links.

Infographic Design

Infographics are unique ways of driving in lots of traffic visitors to your blog in that graphics drives message faster, clearer and more retainable than writeup.

Local Business Citation

Here, your business details are reviewed and submitted to various directories and listings according to target countries.


Your blog posts or content will be converted to explainer videos and uploaded to video platforms such as vimeo, YouTube etc. Your own YouTube channel will also get published too if any.

Youtube is the 2nd most popular site and uploading your videos there will go a long way.

Product Descriptions

Through this feature, fatjoe will write out a well-detailed article that describe your product or service comprehensively.

Such article will be SEO-optimized with product title, meta description, seo keywords, then delivered in a spreadsheet format to be uploaded to your eCommerce platform.

To check out for more of SEO services offered by fatjoe, you can reach out to them on FatJoe SEO services

And when you do so, you get a discount of 10% off your first order.

Aside that, you also get 100% money back guarantee with no questions asked.

So, if i were you, i grab this opportunity NOW before it expires.

Fatjoe is patronized by over 5000+ SEO agencies and marketing firms worldwide especially the likes of matthewwoodward, MOZ, brightonSEO, SMX, PUBCON, Smartinsights etc.

All customers' orders are placed, managed and monitored right from the customers' dashboard which has make it extremely easy for fatjoe to manage content creating and link-building services for multiple clients.

You can assess them here to get started here; FatJoe SEO Services by clicking this button link below;

And the last but not the least is SEOclerks

SEOclerks Services

Seoclerks, just like fiverr, is another freelance website with thousands of services and products but different in that they deal exclusively on SEO especially on link-building and offer such services for as low as $1.

I mean, 70% of its services are on Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

If you are new or just hearing about “seoclerks” for the very first time or you want to know more about it, there is a well-detailed, comprehensive article that i have personally put up exclusively for you here; Learn Everything About Seoclerks.

Feel free to go through it and even learn how to make money from it too.

It is as simple as ABC.

To get started, you need to register an account first here: Seoclerks Services.

Then, you can place an order on any services online.

Once you have registered an account and you are on the front homepage, you can go through the featured services as shown below and place an order on anyone that suits your requirements and your budget.

What i love about seoclerks is that they parade the very best of SEO experts who offer PREMIUM services at affordable rates and because of this, they get lots of orders daily as shown below;

And majority of buyers/Clients are 100% satisfied with their services as you can see below;

The number of positive reviews statements and thumbs ups says it all.

As you can see above, over 5000+ customers are satisfied, so what else are you still waiting for?

If i were you, i will be hitting the “Order” button right now.

So, if interested, feel free to place an order NOW by starting off from here: SEOclerks SEO Services NOW.

For a full critical analysis of seoclerks and its services, check out this article on medium here: Is Seoclerks Services Worth Trying Out? and make a judgment on your own.


Now that we have scrutinized the 4 methods of buying backlinks, is it Ok to buy backlinks


Very much OK.

Just do it in ways that wont make google to become suspicious of you.

And to avoid google catching you, all you need do is to exercise caution.

Below are some general conditions to follow;

1. Go for sellers that create and sell such backlinks from High Domain Authority websites ONLY.
2. When ordering the backlinks, make sure they are limited in number. what i mean is that do NOT buy/order thousands of such backlinks at once or else Google might suspend your site. Instead make it drip-feed; create them over a period of months.

So, feel free to go ahead and i wish you best of luck.


That will be all for now.

There are several others but these 4 i have mentioned above are the very best when it comes to SEO services.

I have tasted thier services personally, so i know what i am talking about.

SEO services is NOT a plug and play kind of service.

After final job deliveries, it will be very wrong to begin to expect results immediately or in the nearest time.

SEO takes time for it to reflect its results on websites or blogs.

So, we urge you to exercise patience, hopefully upto 6 months or so before you will start seeing positive effects.

Good SEO work only gets better over time. It’s only search engine tricks that need to keep changing when the ranking algorithms change – Jill Whalen (@jillwhalen),

Now, Over to you

What do you think about this services?

Are you trying out anyone of them?
Do you have any related questions, comments, suggestions, recommendations, advice etc?

I am 100% available to reply to your comments one-by-one.

Thanks for your time, patience and understanding.

Till I see you again in my next post,

Bye for now

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